삼십 육

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Yang DongMi waved at me when we got out of the car, reminding me to take a shower as soon as I get back into my room and sleep early because I have to get up early to meet Bang PD tomorrow, I don't want to do that but it is Yang DongMi and she is my manager. Even though it has only been a week since she started working as a manager but she is learning fast and picking up the ropes, she is as good as the managers that have been working for a long time.

It is as if she is destined to be here and taking care of me, I bet that is what she wanted to do ever since she found out that I was TaeEun's older brother. She is feeling guilty over what happened a year ago and the death of my younger sister but it is not her fault, it was never her fault.

She was just trying her best to help TaeEun and wanting to seek justice for her but that just got worse and that led to TaeEun making that fateful decision to leave this world.

None of us wants her to leave but it has already happened and that is no way that we can reverse it, life is not like a time machine where you can choose whenever you want to go to and you can't go back in time. I have been trying my very best to move on from the pain and I barely managed to do that, I showed my worst side to everyone during my one-year hiatus and I felt bad doing that but it was my defence mechanism to protect me from the pain, I had to do that and I didn't have a choice at all.

And now I am trying my very best to get back to the old Kim Taehyung, the Kim Taehyung that everyone loves and protects and the Kim Taehyung that everyone wanted for a very long time and it has been tough trying to go back into my old self because it is not the same again. After the loss of my younger sister, I am not myself again. I could be happy but it doesn't change the fact that TaeEun is not around in this world anymore and the only thing that I can do is to accept the fact that she is not around anymore and I should move on from this as fast as possible.

I let out a huge sigh as the elevator doors open and I walked out, making my way towards the huge apartment that I am sharing with my group members. I have once moved out when I went on my hiatus and I cut off all contact with them, during that whole time I was staying at an apartment that I rented together with Song DaeYeon because we work together and we should stay together and he was the only one that I can rely on during that point of time.

But now I have moved back into the dorms and Song DaeYeon is living alone at the apartment, he is also helping me manage the café as he should be doing and he is doing a good job about it. I don't need to worry too much about him, he is a robot for goodness sake and he works twice the speed than any Baristas in this world.

The apartment is empty, the lights were switched off as well and I didn't hear any sound at all. Could they have not returned home yet? I remembered that SeokJin hyung and Park JiMin needed to go to the company today but their meeting is only for the afternoon, they should be back by now and the others have their things to do and Yoongi hyung is as usual cooped up in his studio making new songs.

I opened the door to one of the rooms and it was Jeon JungKook's room and he was in there asleep, that is one down and there is still the 5 of them that are nowhere to be seen. Now that I have started to stay with them again, it feels kind of awkward and they have their things to do, a lot of things have changed in one year and I am slowly getting used to it. I would have to blame myself for moving away for one whole year and distancing myself from the 6 of them when they didn't do anything wrong at all.

"Don't bother finding the others, they have gone out for supper 15 minutes before you got home." I heard Yoongi hyung and I turned around, he is in his home clothes and he is yawning a little. He might have just taken a nap but I can't be too sure about that because he looks like that all the time.

"You're home? I thought that you are still in your recording studio." I asked him as I walked back to my room.

"I was there for the past 3 days and I am here to recharge before I would get back to work tomorrow morning." He replied. "You just ended work?"

I shook my head and I laid down on my bed. "I had dinner outside with DongMi ssi and she called a taxi for me, she just dropped me off and told me to sleep early so that I wouldn't get too grouchy tomorrow morning."

"She should get a driver's license if she is planning to stay here for quite some time, she would have to do it someday and it would be inconvenient if she continues to do that and she would waste a lot of money on transport." He told me as he walked over to my bed and I gave my permission for him to sit down on my bed. "Are you still being rude to her? You do know that she is now our manager and she is so much younger than all of us, she is 3 years younger than JungKook."

"I didn't mistreat her." He gave me a stare. "Fine, I was just doing that because I didn't want her to work as a manager, she can be a K-pop idol again but she doesn't want to and that is such a stupid move of hers," I told Yoongi hyung about the true reason why I didn't want Yang DongMi to work for me, she just doesn't deserve to work in a lowly position when she has the chance to try again. What a stupid girl... Always do the things that she didn't enjoy doing...

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