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"Relax, I am not asking you to go back to work with Taehyung hyung!" Song DaeYeon yelled at me from across the bridge that I was at, I have escaped all the way from the campus grounds and he still managed to catch up to me. How fast can he even run?

I feel like he is turning more and more into a robot the more I know this person, first he is extremely handsome like how every male webtoon character and he knows how to make coffee really well just like how a machine does with absolute perfection and now he runs so fast like how every male manga character does in every running scene in the novel. How can he be real at this point?

"I am not going to listen to you! I know that you are very close to Kim Taehyung and he must have told you to get me!" I yelled back at him as I panted for breath, I might have a slim and toned figure left behind from my K-pop idol days but I was never a fast runner, I can't ever run more than a hundred meters without stopping once to take a breath.

And trying to run away from Song DaeYeon, it was like a marathon for me as I ran all the way from the campus grounds to the bridges that connect two shopping malls together. "Go back! I thought that you have to work for Kim Taehyung now that you're the only employee left!"

"Don't you know that it is our off day today? Both of us don't have work to do and I am here to talk to you and it doesn't involve you working in our café at all." He started making his way nearer to me and I inched further away from him. "DongMi, stop running away! I know that you don't want to see me right now but I won't leave your side, I really want to meet you and talk to you even more, and I promise that I will not tell Taehyung hyung about it."

I laughed as I have just heard something unbelievable, there is no way that he wouldn't tell his boss about it, he worked for his boss for so many years and I bet that they share a lot of secrets with each other. And he would most probably tell our meeting today to his boss, there is no way that he wouldn't keep his mouth shut about that. What if Kim Taehyung was the one who told him to be here?

"DongMi, you have to trust me on this. Even though I have known Taehyung hyung for so long, there are some things that we don't tell each other and we respect our wishes to keep some secrets that we wouldn't want to tell. DongMi, please... I beg you, meet me this once and I promise that I will not go near you again."

It seems that he really wants to talk to me on his own will and no one is forcing him to meet me, it is not like I am someone that he likes or is close to him, I am just someone who happened to know him as part of my plan to dig out Kim Taehyung's deepest secrets. And he is here today just to see me, not to convince me to continue to work as a Barista alongside with him but as a fellow human, just a regular human.

I let out a sigh, I am tired of running away from him anyway. "Fine, I surrender," I told him.

He beamed in delight, gracefully wiping off his sweat that rolled down to his neck. "I'll meet you at the café in 10 minutes, he doesn't go to the café on his off days and it would be safe for us to talk there."

I let out a sigh as I thought of the café, I seriously don't want to get back there again, I have left that place in shame and now I am going back there again when the boss is not around. But I had no choice, Song DaeYeon is going to chase me down to the end of the earth and he definitely can do that with the running speed of his.

I arrived at the café, still doubtful that Kim Taehyung might come by here somehow and he would catch the both of them hiding here on the day that he doesn't work. Song DaeYeon comes out of the breakroom with a plate of cookies in his hands and directed me to the back of the café where there is a blind spot that the CCTV doesn't catch and it would be the perfect place for us to have a secret talk.

"DongMi ssi--" I put one hand up to stop him. "Before that, can I just say that you are risking your life talking to me like this, you are going to get fired by Kim Taehyung."

He continued to smile. "He is never going to fire me, he can't do that. Because I have been there with them in the lowest moments of his life and I stayed by his side throughout and I swore never to leave his side. So DongMi ssi, you need not worry so much because there is no way that Taehyung hyung would ever fire me."

"Can I ask why?" And again, I find myself trying to dig at Kim Taehyung's past once again. What is so important about his life that I am so interested in?

He is just like any other senior in the industry with a reputation to keep, and he concealed his deepest thoughts just to keep up the image that he has and when he couldn't do that, he would go into hiding and pretend nothing ever happened. And because of his selfishness, he can't go back to his own group and his group is not complete because of him.

"Because..." He paused for a moment. "He is deeply indebted to me, I saved him from a suicide attempt that could pretty much end his life if I wasn't there by chance."

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now