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I placed my phone down after sending Yang DongMi a text message, asking if she is available and that I would like to talk to her for a while. I don't even know if she is going to be free for the entire day, she has her members with her and it seems like they haven't met each other in a while and they would definitely have a lot to catch up on.

But it would be better if she were to be here, I haven't met her in a while and we didn't really end things well the last time we left. I was mad at her and myself at the same time, I can't believe that she had a hidden agenda from the very start and she only wanted to work at my café so that she can have a chance to get closer to me and possibly get more secrets from me, especially about the fact where I got heavily injured and I left the group unofficially a year ago.

I knew that I have to talk about this someday, to anyone that I feel comfortable talking to, or it could be someone that I don't really like. In this case, Yang DongMi is different, she is neither my friend nor my enemy, she was just a stranger to me who wanted to work at my café and then she was revealed to be one of the members that my younger sisters are with and they were good friends, even until the moment where my younger sister committed suicide.

She lied to me about almost everything but I knew why she decided to do that, she did that because she wanted to find out the truth about me, she was curious about me and so she went undercover at my café just to dig out secrets about me. And I don't like that about her, I don't like people who plan everything and pokes their noses into other people's privacy.

And I am going to warn her to get away from me and never contact me again, today will be the last time that we are ever talking to each other. She may be my younger sister's friend but she is still considered a stranger to me, nothing more and nothing less. We are going to talk to each other in a calm way, like how people settle a thing in a civil way.

I heard footsteps coming towards the right and she was there, looking at me. "Kim Taehyung..." She called out my name.

"Yang DongMi..." I unknowingly replied her back and she nodded slightly before moving forward and taking a seat next to me, 15 centimetres away from me.

She could've sat down even further away from me but it is a very small bench that we are sitting on, there is not enough space for the both of us anyway. The two of us sat down next to each other in silence and we didn't want to speak to each other for over a minute, it is still awkward between the two of us given that I was her boss and she was my employee and we ended in a huge fight before I fired her.

"What do you want to talk about?" She finally breaks the silence and the tension between the two of us have been reduced significantly.

"About what happened earlier, I am not going back on my words. I am not telling to go back to work with me, I only need Song DaeYeon because he doesn't harbour any ulterior motives at all and he pledged loyalty to me from the moment that he agreed to stay with me. And you are not Song DaeYeon."

Instead of agreeing with me, she lets out a smirk. "You are still very annoying and rude like what I have thought of you, even when I was still working with you, you were like that and I feel like people should know how you are like with the cameras down. Song DaeYeon shouldn't have even saved you from that suicide attempt, he should've just left you alone to die."

My eyes got wider and I stared at her, hard that it could virtually break into pieces. "How did you even know about that? Who even told you about that?"

"Song DaeYeon didn't tell me in detail but I know that he wasted his time trying to save some self-conceited bastard who wants to die so that he can meet his younger sister." She laughed. "What a joke..."

"This is not a joke, I don't know what exactly is your intention for doing this to me but I want you to leave. I want to settle everything between the two of us but you have just ruined everything, you have done a very good job in that." I stand up and walked away far from her, I just can't stand a second trying to talk to her.

I walked the stairs down even though I know that it would hurt me the longer that I do that and my leg is completely paralyzed, it is already damaged but I couldn't care less about that. I don't have the time to wait for DaeYeon to bring me down himself, if I can do it alone, I would very well do that.

But I stood on a wrong footing and plus the floor is not levelled properly, I slid down the stairs and I yelled for help, calling for DaeYeon so that he could hear me calling for his help. And I suddenly remembered that he isn't here at all, he is near the bottom of the hill, sitting in the car waiting for me to call him.

I could feel my leg hurting and I couldn't bear the pain, it is totally painful and I can't tolerate it easily. I really need someone to help me and it could easily be anyone if DaeYeon couldn't come in time to save me from this situation. But no one is here today,  the entire place is empty because it is past afternoon and they have preferred not to come to visit when the skies turn dark.

But there is one person who was still talking to me a moment ago and she could still be here, and I don't really want her to help me and I have to, if not I will be in greater danger. "Yang DongMi! Help me!"

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now