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"Do you have a business degree?" She asked me and I wanted to nod my head but I didn't, I had taken some business classes when I was still active with the group before my hiatus and I was able to open my cafe with that limited amount of business knowledge that I have, I think that I can help her out a little.

"I have a cafe, that would be better than a business degree," I said to her and I hopped over to him, looking over at her laptop and I got blinded temporarily by all the words that seemed so foreign to me. I know that I am born and raised in South Korea all my life and I went to school for nearly a decade, but I saw words that I have never seen before and I feel like I am an alien instead. "Are those even words?"

"Did you even pass your tests?" She said to me. "I know that you can't help me so you can just make your way out and leave me alone." She waved a hand to me, telling me to get out but I am not getting out so easily, why should I follow what she says to me?

"I am not going anywhere, I am going to watch you do your work," I said to her, sitting next to her and taking up her personal space but I don't care about her, all I know is that she smells kind of nice even though she is dressed as if she hasn't showered in days.

"You are only going to be a nuisance to me, go do something more time-consuming to spend your time on. You must have been so bored that you have come to bother me when I am doing my work." She said to me, not looking at me and typing furiously on her laptop.

"Then why did you even come here for? It is not your home, this is your workplace and you are using your workplace to do your report. Bang PD is going to fire you if he knows about that." I told her.

"Don't worry, I told Bang PD that I would be coming in to use one of the practice rooms and he said okay to it so I can use it without anyone coming to kick me out, and I am not working so I don't need to answer you." She said. "If you want to help me, be my manager for today and do all the things that I would usually do for you but since it is my day off, you would do everything for me and you have to do it."

She must think that I am not going to do that, I always had her by my side and I am not required to do anything that I can do on my own because she is there to do the mundane stuff that I don't want to do. "What would you like to have? I know that you love to drink those matcha lattes down the street and you love to have your cheese bread along with it."

"Then get me that exact thing, I want it now and I think that I am going to get more food but I can't think of any at the moment so I will text you." She said. "Make it quick, I don't like to wait for my food for too long and I might get a little grouchy as well."

I left for the cafe, getting her food for her and being her manager for a day while she sits down on the floor of the practice room, typing furiously on her laptop. I wonder if she understands whatever she is typing down, if I don't understand any of that, she wouldn't understand it as well because she is not a genius.

She is testing my limits and she is getting her revenge but she is a really good manager to me, the manager who still hasn't got her driver license and she said that she is going to get it next week or something. She is also the first manager that I know who is studying at the same time and working under me as my manager, all the past managers that have worked with me and the members are all people who had completed their studies and they have a lot of experience working as a manager and there was nothing to complain about, they are just so good at their job that you want to reward them for being such a good manager but they have since left the company, it would be nice to have one of them to work for me again but it is not like they are going to come back.

And I am getting a little used to Yang DongMi, I told myself not to get close to her because she is TaeEun's friend and she is untouchable to me but in the last few weeks, she has been someone that I have started to get close to and the person that I began to notice a lot of, looking at her doing the things that she likes makes me happy and I would want her to be even happier than this.

I know that she had gained an interest in the production and she has been looking at the camera equipment and wondering how they worked, and the best thing is that she is working under me as my manager and she is currently pursuing a business degree that her mother forced her to after she failed attempt to make it big in the industry, nothing that she is doing right now is nodding towards the path that she is meant to walk on.

It would be good if she ever realizes that she wants to be in the industry again, not as a K-pop idol but a director or a producer, she would want to be a writer for the variety shows as well. If only she knows that she can be one...

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