사십 삼

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I let out a huge yawn and I scratched my head, looking back at all the other people who decided to look at me because I am yawning, I don't know if they have seen anyone yawn before but it is something that humans do when they are very tired and they are trying to fight off their sleep. I stayed up all night trying to finish up my reports for my projects in school and I barely had any time to start on it earlier, I have a job to go to right after school and although I could do my reports at work, I still need to keep an eye on Kim Taehyung and making sure that he is not doing anything weird that might ruin his reputation and I would have to go plead the director to edit out the scenes where he acted against his idol personality.

I don't know if Kim Taehyung is a huge superstar or something but he has gigs almost every day and there is barely any time for doing anything, the industry has been waiting so long for him to come back and now he has finally come back, they want him on every single show and to increase the popularity of their shows.

It might sound like it is a good thing but it is not, I just wished that those shows don't take up an entire day to film an hours worth of footage and I wouldn't have to waste all of my time just sitting in my seat and taking note of what Kim Taehyung is saying or doing but he doesn't really have a reputation and I barely get to do anything but to sit down and stare at his beautiful face for hours and hours.

And for the first time in 2 weeks, Kim Taehyung has a day off in his schedule and that would mean that he can rest for a whole day and I would get to rest as well. But I am not at home, I am on the bus trying to get as much work done before I reach the company. Kim Taehyung is spending the entire day in the dance studio today and I am going there to avoid my mother staring at me the entire day and telling me to quit my job.

Even though it is my day off, I feel weird not doing anything and I thought that I would just study at the cafe that Kim Taehyung used to be in charge of but my dear friend JiHoon isn't free to study with me and so the only option for me is to go to work and stay in one corner and do my work without anyone disturbing me.

I arrived at the company and the receptionist looked at me as if I am some foreign species and then I realized that I am dressed in my most comfortable outfit ever, I didn't think of it when I was changing into my clothes but I decided to grab the plainest clothes in my wardrobe hoping to look somewhat minimalist and that resulted in me looking more like a beggar than anything else. I am wearing Nike slides as well which just makes me look like an unemployed person when in fact I am working in this company as an idol manager and I earn enough money to feed myself every single month.

Luckily they still recognize me as the new manager for Kim Taehyung and allowed me to go in, if I decided to wear even sloppier and forget to bring along my pass, I would get kicked out of the company and get a restraining order from the CEO himself. I made my way to the dance studio where I confirmed to myself that Kim Taehyung is already inside with his member, but he is not going to dance due to his injury and he is only going to practice his singing.

My pass allows me to get into any room in the company and I checked the booking list of the dance practice rooms and one of them is empty and it is not booked by anyone for the entire week which means that I can choose it without getting kicked out, I will be just doing my work in there not disturbing anyone and the air conditioning is the best you can get other than my room.

I settled myself into one of the corners of the room and I got to work immediately, after getting a drink for myself and I wore headphones as well so that I can fully focus on doing my work and nothing else. Kim Taehyung doesn't know that I am here and he doesn't need me until he needs to eat and he will ask me to buy food for him but it is still early and I have a lot of time to do my work and take a nap.

I felt that the room got brighter and I looked up to find Kim Taehyung making his way towards me, how does he even know that I am here? I bet that the receptionists told him about it or his members somehow saw me walking around the floor. "Why are you even here on your day off? You're supposed to be resting and not hiding in this room, it makes you look like a beggar more than anything else."

"You are here on your day off, why can't I be here? And, I am just doing my report here, the ambience is perfect to do my work." I told him.

"Can I help you with your project?" I stare at him for a whole second, wondering if he would understand my work because it is not related to whatever he is doing in his life. "Do you have a business degree?" I asked him, a K-pop idol who knows nothing not to have fun and bother the hell out of me all the time, even on my day off where I just want one day of peace.

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