오십 오

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"This will be your room, it should be ready to sleep in or you can decorate the place a little, it has been left untouched ever since I came to check on the renovations." I pointed the spare room to Song Daeyeon who looked kind of lost in my house and he was even shocked that I have such a big house in my hometown.

I bought a house here with the earnings that I have gotten over the years and it was enough for me to get a small house with a few bedrooms it is the place that I am planning to live after I have retired and I have always thought that it is a little too early to think of my retirement and I have just bought the house a little too early for it to rot and decay if it is left alone like that.

But who knew that I would retire so early I am not even past my 30s and I am ready to live like an old man whose only dream is to live the way that he always wanted and he will end his life doing the things that he liked, I am going to be like this old man that I have envisioned myself to be and it is coming true for me, and I am bringing my trusty employee to live with me and be of help to me even when I am retired but he will be my employee no matter what.

He was upset over my decision to leave the group and he thought that it was a mistake that I have made and it is a very stupid decision for me to let everything go and retire at the peak of my career but he still respected my decision in the end and he wanted to follow me after I have closed up the cafe and I am planning to open another Cafe here in my hometown so that he can continue to work and he is a workaholic who never stops working, and he is not the one to be sitting around and not doing anything at all.

So it is going to be the two of us working in a tiny cafe except for this time that it is back in my hometown and it will be harder for anyone to track me down, I haven't exactly told them that I have purchased a house in my hometown and they are not going to be able to find me that easily. None of them knows where I might be and I will be safe for now.

I got out to the balcony and I looked at the beautiful scenery, this is the view that I don't get to see when I was so busy with work and I missed out on all the great things in life, living a simple life is all I wanted but because of my dream to dance on the stage, I left my comfortable life in my hometown to pursue my dream which turned out to be a nightmare for me and I didn't want to torturing myself and telling myself that I shouldn't be sacrificing myself for my fans to be happy and for the company to be working me so that they will have money.

It was a hard decision trying to tell the members about it but I was a coward and ran away even before they even have a chance to see me, Namjoon hyung was the last one who saw me and he would have told everyone at this point and everyone is trying to find me.

Even Yang DongMi might be involved in the search and I don't want her to go looking for me, I have told her everything that day and she was so mad that she literally walked away from me and didn't look back once.

She has a reason to be angry at me because I promised her that I would make my return and I broke that promise and ran back to my hometown, she must have felt so hurt and annoyed at me for causing all of this nonsense but at least she is not going to be my manager anymore and she can go back to whatever she wanted to do.

I let out a sigh. "Are you regretting moving here?" I turned to my right and it was Daeyeon who is walking toward me and he had a cigarette in his mouth.

I shook my head. "Why would I?" I asked him. "There is no reason why I would be regretting my decision, I am back in my hometown and I don't need to be in front of the camera and have to smile all the time. I can even frown and or cry whenever I want and I get all the freedom and I can't do that when I am still in Seoul, and this is a very chill place with nearly no tourists here, all the tourists are only interested in Seoul and no one will care about the other cities."

He lighted the cigarette and take in a deep breath and inhaled the smoke out of his mouth. "I feel like you should still talk to them first, they know what exactly you are trying to do and they just wanted an explanation and you are not going to hide from them forever."

Of course, I know that I need to talk to them instead of running away from them but I just needed more time to prepare myself for the reactions that I will be getting, there will be a lot of begging and pleading for me not to leave them and there will be the crying that I would have to lose my emotions and not to react to them and I know that I can't do that.

I can't do that without feeling anything inside and I know that I am disappointing them and I just need more time on preparing myself and I will give them a complete explanation and I will leave them for real.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu