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"Is this what you want?" The florist asked me as she shows me the flowers that I wanted for my bouquet. "Just white lilies and baby breath?"

"Yes, that will be all," I answered the florist and she wrapped it up for me to carry, I paid for the money and then I made my way out of the store, where I walked to the nearest cab pickup stand where a car stopped for me.

I got into the car and the person who was driving the car greeted me with a smile. "Hyung, those flowers are so gorgeous."

"They are not for you, DaeYeon," I told him.

"I know, it is for a special someone that you loved a lot. You go to visit her all the time on your off days, you never fail to do that." He told me and I faced him with a bittersweet smile. "What are you going to say to her when you meet her later?"

I shrugged my shoulders, I honestly don't know what I am going to say to her and I will most probably going to talk about my life to her, that is the only thing that I will ever say to her anyway. She is a great listener and she would always give me great advice and tell me that I am a good older brother, that I care for her a lot and I should tone down on that but I just couldn't.

I only have a younger sister and she means the world to me other than my own parents and my members whom I consider them as brothers but they are not as precious as compared to my younger sister, she is the one who grew up with me even though we have a 5 year age gap and there are things that we might feel awkward about but I don't feel awkward at all, we are like partners in crimes and would often help each other to cover up our lies to our parents.

But we rarely got to hang out with each other after I have left Daegu at the age of 16 to pursue my sudden found passion of performing on stage, I didn't have time to speak to her on the phone as I would always be so fatigued after dance practice and I would fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

And after I have succeeded in being famous and getting known for our hard work and effort as a group, my schedules have only become more and more hectic with world tours and special interviews conducted overseas, the chances of me ever speaking or face-timing my younger sister has become like a rare thing and I would always miss her calls and only return her calls a few days after.

And the last call that she made to me, I couldn't be there at the moment to answer her and she was gone, forever. And I deeply regret that I had a chance to hear her voice for the last time but I was too busy to do that because I was too busy with my work that I neglected her.

I made my way to her tombstone which is located near the top of the mountain with the help of Song DaeYeon, my trustworthy friend and Barista and he supported me when I felt pain in my leg, he was the only one who knew what to do when I am feeling pain from my leg injury.

"Hyung, I'll come back later for you alright?" He patted me on the shoulder and I nodded, telling him that I needed my space alone with my younger sister who has gone up to heaven exactly a year ago.

He would always leave me alone whenever he comes here with me and he would come back later when I call for him, he knew everything about what happened last year but he respected my wishes of not disrupting me and he chose not to listen to all of my conversations that I would have with my younger sister.

I placed the bouquet of flowers on the empty vase next to the tombstone, TaeEun liked her flowers put into a vase after buying them. I made myself comfortable by stretching out my legs and I cleared my throat before staring at the tombstone that had my younger sister's name engraved in it. "TaeEun, it is your older brother and you might thinking that it is me again who is going to visit you the 5th time this month but today is a very special occasion because it is exactly a year since you have..." I cleared my throat, trying to swallow up my tears. "Your..." I sighed, the tears from my eyes streamed down my cheeks. "The day where you left the world for good and would never come back again, it has been an entire year since that happened and I missed you a lot, I really do."

I wiped away my tears. "But today is not going to be a sad day like what happened last year, it is going to be a very happy day today and I am willing to spend it with you." I cleared my throat again. "I wonder if you would have any visitors today, if not I guess that it is only going to be me."

I heard cheerful voices coming towards me and I looked towards the bunch of people, they are people that I have never seen but two of them, I have seen the one with the pigtails, she came over to my café and she found her long-lost friend by chance who happened to work for me.

"Isn't that Kim Taehyung? Why is he here for?" The girl nudged the other friend who only stared at me and not saying anything in return, she seemed shocked to see me but not as surprised as the others because she knew who exactly I was to Kim TaeEun. "Who is he visiting? It can't be TaeEun right?"

"He is visiting Kim TaeEun." The five ladies stopped a few feet away from me when Yang DongMi confessed that secret that I was hiding for such a long time. "He is TaeEun's older brother, he was a celebrity before he decided to retire."

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