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I got dragged out by Song DaeYeon midway through our conversation because a certain someone didn't want me to be there anymore and he wants me to get out of his life, I just can't believe that he can be this cocky and annoying. "DongMi, can you do me a favour and not come to the café any time soon?"

"Why? Is it because he hates me a lot and I am a nuisance in his life?" I used the same word that Kim Taehyung just described me as I was hurt at him calling me a nuisance when I wasn't being a nuisance at all.

"DongMi, you know how Taehyung hyung can be. So can you do me a favour as well and live your life as you want without reappearing in his life again? It will benefit both of you." He sighed. "Please, Miss Yang DongMi?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "I can't believe that he can be this stubborn, I saved his life and he thinks that I am a nuisance in his life? That is so ridiculous, I hope that no one would love him for the rest of his life."

I left the hospital in such a rage because Kim Taehyung made me feel like this, he is so contradicting every time he tries to do something. He is clearly grateful that I saved him when there is no one around but he just can't thank me and makes me even angrier at him than before, and he just made me declare him as my enemy and he will be for the rest of my life.

I made my way to the café where my friends are at, I told them using DaeYeon's phone that I was at the hospital after saving Kim Taehyung and they are in the vicinity and they are having coffee before they parted ways for the day. I entered the café and I spotted them waving their hands at me and I walked over at them, sitting down at the empty seat and I got my belongings back at the same time.

"DongMi, how did that go? Is Kim Taehyung safe now?" Shin HanNa asked me and I nodded. "Did he thank you?"

I laughed at that question. Did he thank me? Absolutely not, he just made everything worse and I never want to reappear in his life even if I was forced to. But I pretended to smile, because I didn't want them to know the true character of Kim Taehyung, he is still a celebrity and a role model to a lot of people in the industry. "Yes, he thanked me for saving me and being there for him when he needed my help."

Choi SeoRa glared at me. "Speak the truth, I know that you are lying. I have seen that look on your face when you lie, it didn't change at all."

"You got me, didn't you?" I fake laughed. "Anyways, the whole thing ended on a bad note and I never want to meet him again."

"Even though he is a superstar?" Ahn MinKyung asked.

I nodded with confidence. "Yes, and he does not want to see me ever again."

"What exactly happened between both of you? You have known him for quite some time right?" Do YoungMi asked and I nodded. "Could you give us a very quick summary of it so that we can understand it very easily?"

I didn't give them a quick summary about the whole thing, I decided to tell them the whole story of how I decided to go undercover one day and ended up working in his café just to get closer to him, I just couldn't shorten the story no matter how I tried and telling them everything is the best way. And I have been telling them everything about my life ever since we started living together as trainees and then later as group members, even though they have only been in my life for the past few years but they are the people that I care about the most other than my own parents and my best friend Park JiHoon.

We had the same goals to be in the industry and to perform on stage together, they were my only source of happiness when I was being an idol and I was sad when we had to disband and to go back to the loved that we used to have before we decided to give it all up so that we could be an idol. It was tough times and I am glad that I have gone it through with the girls and matured along with them as well, becoming ladies and leading normal lives.

"Well, damn... I didn't know that Kim Taehyung was that kind of a person." Choi SeoRa exclaimed in disbelief as she shook her head. "He hid it so well when he is out on television, I can't believe that I was fooled by that handsome face of his."

"It is because he is handsome that we forgot that handsome people like him could also evil as well, their faces is a great way of masking their true ulterior motives." Everyone nodded their heads at Ahn MinKyung. "I can't believe that TaeEun has such an older brother, she has it hard being his younger sister."

At the mention of TaeEun's name, all of us kept silent for a while as we remembered the times that all 6 of us are together and having fun like this, I can't believe that she had left our side so early and we couldn't see her lead her life as a regular person after the disbandment of our group.

"We really do miss her, do we?" I said and all of them nodded our heads without saying anything, she was like our sister, our friend, our source of happiness and our group member.

I have always imagined if we didn't actually disband and continued to promote as a group without TaeEun around anymore, I don't want that to happen and it is bad for all of us to move on when she left us. That just proves that our group can't go on without TaeEun in it, and we all left the group so that TaeEun would be happy that we are not suffering anymore and leading the life that she wanted to lead, like a normal person in a normal job. And we are doing it for her now so that she can see it from up above.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now