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I inhaled and exhaled as I stared at the man who is inside the store attending to his customers, looking at his customers with such a bright smile, that was the same smile that he used to give his fans. My hands couldn't stop sweating and I kept wiping them with my denim skirt which is now stained with my sweat, it is evident that I am in fact very nervous to approach him for a part-time job.

I have never worked part-time before, I didn't have the need to, my family is well off enough for me to not earn money and to gain myself some work experience before I go out there to the real world. Instead, I have already been training as a trainee by then, my time is spent on practising my dance moves and attending vocal lessons and dance lessons simultaneously that basically took my entire childhood away in an instant.

Jihoon, on the other hand, who spent the rest of his children having fun like a regular kid have worked various part-time jobs here and there and therefore gained a lot of work experience even though he hasn't graduated yet. He had advised me a lot on how to approach the target in a very normal way of asking a fellow human being for a part-time position, he even made me change my clothes before coming here.

I was wearing my usual attire, a hooded shirt and jeans and he came to my house early in the morning to change everything about my overall outfit, he chose a smarter casual outfit for me, a simple white T-shirt and a denim shirt with white sneakers. He told me that employers don't really like to hire someone who dresses very sloppily which I did and would want someone who wears a little neater.

My phone chimed and I looked at the text message that Jihoon just sent, it was an encouraging message with a smiley emoji at the end of it. As what it suggests, it made me a little happier and a little less nervous.

I exhaled my breath and bit my bottom lip, finally walking forward from my position at the pole into the café. It took me a little longer and I finally found the courage to do it. Now, just walk forward without tripping over something...

I eyed at the man who is still at the counter, now making a little conversation with the employee next to him who is preparing the orders at an impeccable high speed. How the heck did he even manage to do that?

It is as if he had 8 hands and it is all moving at the same time, he is mixing the milkshake at one of the ends of the counter and he is making coffee at the same time while still keeping up a conversation with his employer, never missing a step. It is as if he is a trained robot for this. Can I even be like him?

I shook my head. What the hell am I even thinking about? My job here is not to be impressed by the guy, my job is to find out the reason why he left the industry and I have to persuade him to go back there.

I got to the counter without messing up and I wanted till he is done talking to his one and only employee who is secretly a robot that he bought online, I cleared my throat and that made him divert his attention to me.

"I'm sorry. What do you want for your order?" He asked, his two eyes staring back at me like a predator eyeing his prey.

"I'm not buying anything, I'm here to apply for a part-time job. I heard that you guys are looking for people."

He furrowed his eyebrows, making me nervous and regret telling him that fake piece of information that I made it all up myself. There isn't any poster, he didn't lack any manpower, of course, he had that hot octopus Barista who is skilled to do everything on his own.

"Poster? Sorry but you have gone to the wrong place, we are not hiring anyone at the moment. If you want to find some work, there is this restaurant on the other street." His deep voice is such a contrast from his pretty face, his eyes twinkling that it made me just stare without speaking a word. "Emm, Miss? Are you listening?"

I blinked, noticing how intense his gaze is towards me. "Yes, I'm listening. Of course, I know that you guys are not hiring anyone but I really want to work here."

"Why?" He gulped down his saliva. "Miss, I hope that you are not here for any ulterior motives. I won't allow someone like that to be here."

How did he find out? "I--"

The handsome robot comes forward, his tall figure standing out while he stands next to the boss. "Hyung, she doesn't look like someone who is that bad."

"Looks can be deceiving." He told his employee. "I can't allow her to work here that easily." He crossed his arms over each other.

"Hyung..." He called for the shorter male to come closer to him as he whispers something in his ear. I stood nervously, more nervous than I have ever been as I bit my bottom lip anxiously, afraid that I might just fail my mission right here.

He nodded, listening to the employee speak and his facial expression didn't change a little. He seems so different from his onstage persona, that guy on stage is more fun-loving and he is happy all the time, this Kim TaeHyung right here is the complete opposite of that guy, he stares at people intensely and showed a cold facial expression. What changed in the one year that he became like this?

The tall robotic guy finally finished his whispering and he smiled gently at me, telling me that everything is going to be fine. He glanced over at me. "Your name and age?"

"Eh?" I was truly taken aback by his question, not knowing why he asked that. "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't you want to work? That is the basic question when you want to hire someone." I could sense that he is getting a little friendly. "Have a seat at that table and I will be there in a minute with the application form."

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now