육십 육

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I bit my nails nervously while waiting for Daeyeon to get off the phone with Yang Dongmi, they were really talking for a very long time and I am getting anxious about it.

What if she doesn't want to come? I had told Daeyeon to make it very subtle so that she wouldn't suspect anything and she wouldn't think that I have been wanting to see her for the longest time.

Ever since our group had our last concert and all of us had gone on our separate ways, I have been looking forward to seeing the other members again and especially Yang Dongmi, who swore that she never wanted to see me again and she really didn't call me once during the last 6 months and I thought that she had deleted my phone number.

"Alright, it was nice hearing from you again." He finally ended the call and he let out a sigh.

"So what did Dongmi say?" I asked him, wanting a good answer from him and he nodded his head. "Yes!" I put both of my hands up.

"I suggest that you start running around the cafe to make your illness plausible or she is never going to believe you." He said to me and I looked at him with a confused look on his face. "Oh right, you can't run but you need to create sweat."

"Why do I need to sweat?" I asked him, wondering why he wants me to exercise. "What did you even tell Dongmi?"

"I told her that you have an illness that is so deadly and she is the only one who can cure it." I asked what the weird illness is and he answered. "It is lovesickness."

"Fair enough, that is a good one." I gave him a thumbs up. "Then I would have to be at home, and lying down on the bed and I would have to act like I am on the verge of death. Close up the cafe, Daeyeon and prepare to pick up Dongmi from the airport."

I got home as quickly as possible even though I knew that I had a lot of time but I had a lot of things to do, I ordered a bouquet of flowers online and it is expected to arrive within the hour and I cleaned the entire house as well, making sure that there is no dust and I then sat down on my couch for a few seconds before the bouquet of flowers actually arrived and I placed it in a vase.

Everything that I have prepared is not going to be in vain and I know that Yang Dongmi likes me as well, it is clear that she likes me and she wouldn't do so much for me if she didn't like me. From the beginning, there was curiousity for her because she wanted to know why I left the industry and she admired me so much that she wanted me to return back for my dreams.

She was there at every single point of the last days of my career and I remembered her being so attentive and supportive of my career that I thought of getting her a job as a producer one time when I saw her being so fascinated by the back end of the production and I wished that I was there to witness all of it.

And I know that she didn't want to reject me, she was confused because she thought that there is no way that I would like her and want to be with her and she rejected me because it was too ridiculous of an idea and we will never be happy.

But I don't believe that at all, I thought that we would make a good couple and after all she is the one who changed me into a better person and brought me out of the darkness that I got trapped and she made me want to live for her.

In other words, I can't live without her and I would want to be with her for as long as possible. Yang Dongmi, I didn't know that I would like you that much but it is a fact that you changed my world...

There was a text message and I looked at it, Daeyeon is at the airport right now and he is about to pick up Dongmi.

I got up from the couch and I brought out everything edible from the fridge and I started cooking for Dongmi and I, I have learned a bit of cooking from Seokjin hyung and Yoongi Hyung and even though they scolded me a lot during the process but they were great teachers and I could prepare a full meal and it tastes really delicious.

There was a knock on the door and I immediately froze. Are they here already?

I quickly switched off the stove and I reached for my phone at the kitchen counter, Daeyeon didn't send any messages about them arriving earlier than the expected timing and I went to the door, looking through the peephole.

Yang Dongmi is really there and she is about to knock on the door again and Song Daeyeon is next to her. "He is currently not feeling that well, he can't come to the door." He said to her and he got the spare keys that I got him and I immediately ran to my bedroom, jumping right into my bed and I had the blanket up to my neck and I had my eyes closed shut.

"Taehyung hyung is in the bedroom, and I will take my leave now. Call me if you need help with anything, I will be there first thing and I am just next door." The door closes and I heard a sigh before my bedroom door opens, and I tensed up.

Yang Dongmi is in my room right now and I would want to see her but I have to pretend that I am sleeping or she would be mad if she finds out that I am really not sick at all.

"Kim Taehyung, are you okay?" She asked me as she got closer to me and my heart started beating faster and then I felt a hand touching my forehead. "You are all sweating and you don't even have the air conditioner switched on."

That was because I had to run so that she wouldn't see me cooking midway... "Cut out with the act, you have to continue with your cooking. I am starving." I felt her pulling me and I pulled her closer to me and she fell into my arms.

"Hello, beautiful." I said to her with my brightest smile.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now