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Jihoon shook his head in disbelief, after what I have told them about yesterday night. I didn't want to tell him about me pissing off the worldwide star Kim Taehyung also widely known as V, I have done the wrong thing by talking back to him when I should be keeping my mouth shut. I didn't think of how he would feel if I were to pester when he is having a bad day, it was obvious that he wasn't really in a good mood and I only made him, even more, angrier, even DaeYeon told me to stop doing that if I still want to stay.

"What do you think that I should've done?" I asked him, he always has a lot of good ideas and I could always depend on. He definitely has a better brain than I am, he wouldn't be first in our class if he wasn't smart enough and he is, of course, enrolled in one of the hardest courses in the university. I only got in due to my high school entrance examinations which I took before becoming an idol, it was by luck that I got a perfect score and that landed me a spot in the course.

"Do you have confidence that you can continue faking your identity? If you don't, it is okay to give up now." He told me and I wasn't pleased with his answer, he wasn't really keen on the plan that he suggested to me even though he was the one who came up with it. "I seriously don't think that he will ever tell you anything and you will be in jail before you can even do anything."

I sighed, frustrated that I have no idea how to continue with this plan. "Jihoon, I'm asking you for a suggestion, not to tell me to give up. I have already started on my mission and it would be hard to stop now, he is going to think that I'm a weakling for giving up so soon without trying hard."

"Then quit, it is not as if he is going to lack any manpower if you were to leave, he has that robot Barista that works for him as a loyal servant, you wouldn't be a loss to them instead it would be a blessing that you are gone and their lives will finally go back to normal."

The café is already lacking manpower and Kim Taehyung didn't hire more employees because he was afraid that his cover might get exposed and everything that he had would be over, everyone would think that he is a liar and traitor who left his group due to his own greed.

What should I do then... I don't know if I should still turn up for work, he told me to report back to work as per normal but I doubt so. He is definitely still pissed at me and he is only going to make me do even more work if I go back there, he already hates me to the core and the incident yesterday only adds up to the reasons why he should fire me from the very start.

My phone dinged and it was from DaeYeon, the handsome Barista whom Kim Taehyung adores a lot, he is like a younger brother to him.

Robot Barista

Dongmi ssi, are you going to work today? I hope that you are.

I think that I am still of importance to him and of course Song DaeYeon. "See? Someone still cares if I am still reporting to work or not, I am still important to the company." I showed my phone to Jihoon who is taking down notes, I am being a very disobedient student right now by using my phone in class and not listening in class. "Song DaeYeon just texted me, asking me if I would still turn up for work as usual."

He put my hand down below the table without looking directly to me. "Be more careful, can't you? What does he mean by that?"

"It means that Kim Taehyung still thinks that I am part of his family and I should continue with the plan." I grinned. I thought that he was going to kill me but apparently I am spared for now. "What should I reply to him?"

"Thank him for appreciating your existence and tell him that you were really saddened by what Kim Taehyung had said to you yesterday." I thought that he wasn't going to care about me but he still does, considering from the amount of attention that he is giving me, he is still helping me to write down my notes on my behalf and allowing me to rest my arm on his back as I struggled to text in class.

"Why would I do that? They want me back and you want me to lie?"

"Why not? You are already lying in the first place, you have lied from the moment where you entered that café asking to work there permanently. And it is called push and pull, it is a very important tactic to use at all times." He flicked my forehead with his finger. "I'm surprised that you don't know about that, no wonder you couldn't find anyone to date."

I pinched him with my newly manicured nails, making him scream in pain and caused all the students in the lecture theatre. He certainly deserved after insulting me about not having any boyfriends, I didn't have a chance to date in my teens because I was busy preparing for my debut back then. If I have known that it would be a failure, I would have just gone on a lot of dates and I wouldn't be single at an age that I shouldn't be.

"Do you have to do that? You are assaulting your best friend." He rubbed the spot that I just pinched, it has turned red and I honestly don't really care, it will heal in a few days anyway.

"It is just a pinch, it would only hurt for a while," I reassured him. "I am not the only ones who are still single at this age, you are one of them as well."

"I'm just waiting for the right ones to come into my life." He rephrased my words.

"Until Shin Eunhee breaks up with her boyfriend? It is going to take a while and she is probably not going to until the end of university, plus she hasn't seen you face to face before." She is someone that Park Jihoon has a great crush on ever he laid eyes on her a few months ago, till then he swore that he is going to be single for life and retreat to the mountains to be a monk when he graduates.

His face turned crimson red. "We're going off topic, better do as what I have said or you are going to get fired by today for sure. You have to get all the sympathy from Song DaeYeon for him to convince Kim Taehyung to allow you to stay no matter what."

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