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I let out a very long sigh as I think back on my mistakes and that I have made a huge mistake, a mistake so big that it could get me fired on the spot. I should've just allowed Kim Taehyung to handle the situation himself since he is the one who is involved in it but I just had to get myself involved as well and yelled at the emcee for being a stupid emcee and not knowing how Kim Taehyung would feel having to cry when he doesn't want to.

Kim Taehyung usually doesn't cry that much and he doesn't cry that much because he has spent the past one year crying and mourning the loss of his sister that he can't cry involuntarily like that anymore, it is like a function in his body has malfunctioned and he is not able to cry on command and he is not even supposed to be crying on TV.

It is not listed in the contract when we agreed to have Kim Taehyung appear on the show, he is only supposed to be having fun and talking about what makes him happy, not to reenact on a sad scene that reminds him of all the sad things in his life. The emcee also touched on the ugly parts of his past, the part that he doesn't want to tell the world and the emcee is forcing him to talk about it, and Kim Taehyung is very uncomfortable with it, his face tells me that he doesn't want to go back to that part of his life and he wants me to help him.

And I helped him but I think that I have been too rash on my decision-making skills, I should have waited till the next break to inform the director that Kim Taehyung is not comfortable with filming the part and we would be able to remove that segment since the whole episode is still going to be edited. Instead, I decided to yell at the emcee for not doing his job well and that made the filming stop for a good 30 minutes, to avoid all fights that will be happening.

And I decided to take a break to calm down and reflect on my actions, I have just informed the CEO about it and he told me that it is not that big of a deal and he will help me to solve the issue but I am very sure that I am going to be fired after today. There is no way that the CEO is going to defend me after what I have said to the emcee and ruined everything on set, what the hell did I get myself into?

I let out another groan and I looked up, Kim Taehyung is walking towards me and I immediately kept a straight face, he must not know that I am deeply regretting my decisions. "How did it go with Bang PD?" He asked me as he took a seat next to me.

"It went well, I am very sure that he is not going to fire me and I still can be your manager," I said to him, keeping a smile on my face and I immediately frowned. "There is no way that he is not going to fire me, I have disgraced and ruined the reputation of all the managers in the industry."

"Bang PD won't fire you he might even give you a pay raise for what you have done for me." He said and I am very confused, why would he even want to keep an employee who doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut and says whatever she wants to say?

"Are you sure that you understand Korean? Because I have yelled at the emcee and that means that I had done something wrong and I am to be punished for it, why would I even get praised for it? It is not like I saved your life or something."

He chuckled which made me even more frustrated, why does he not understand me at all. "I understand everything that you have just said and I think that it is not wrong for you to yell at the emcee like that, he tried to force me to do something that I don't want to do and I felt uncomfortable but I can't tell the emcee about that." He holds my hand and looked at me in the eye with a warm gaze. "I am glad that you went up against the emcee and said all the things that I have been wanting to do and for that, you have technically saved my life and you don't need to get fired."

I couldn't hear him speak at all, all I am doing is to focus on him holding my hands and thinking of all the reasons he is doing that to me when we are not even that close to touching each other like that. "Yang DongMi? Yang DongMi, are you even there?" He asked me and I immediately snap back into reality.

"Yeah, I am here." I can't help but stare at him, he might be very annoying most of the times but at times he can make me feel comforted as well. Why is he being so attractive?

"You seemed off, are you sure that you are okay?" He put a hand to my forehead. "No, you are fine as hell. You need to go home and take a rest, that's all." Why is he doing all this to me for?

He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the set and I stopped him from doing that. "You still have to go back to work, the filming is still ongoing."

"I know, I am just sending you back home so that you can take a break from all of this nonsense and you can come back home feeling better." He called for a taxi and got me inside the taxi. "I will do fine on my own, don't worry about that. I have to make sure that you are fine, I can't have my manager having a mental breakdown at work and me not doing anything about it so rest as much as you can and update me if anything happens."

He waved at me as the taxi drives off and I sat there, my heart beating so fast that it can't keep up with my breathing. Kim Taehyung, you are not supposed to make me feel that way...

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