이십 삼

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"Are you sure that you are going to piggyback me down the mountain? I can still ask DaeYeon to get me." Kim Taehyung asked me once again because it sounded so ridiculous for me to piggyback a grown man down the mountain but I really have to do that.

"That's right, I have to piggyback you or not I am going to leave you alone and you can't be alone, you need medical attention right away," I told him as I have my back turned against him, squatting down slightly. "It's okay, I am strong enough to do that."

"I know but I might break your back, and I am way heavier than you. DaeYeon is a better choice than you." I groaned and I cut him off. "Are you going to keep going on about Song DaeYeon? Aren't you in great pain and you need help like right now? Just get on my back and keep your mouth shut, I will do my job by bringing you down the mountain in one piece."

He immediately kept quiet and after a few seconds, he cleared his throat. "I'm going on." He notified me and I felt a bit of weight on my back after that, he is on the lighter side even though he is quite tall and I might let his legs touch the floor because of my height but this is fine as long as he shuts up and he allows me to do my thing.

His hands closely wrapped around my shoulders and I feel a little weird in my stomach, it is a new feeling that I am getting. His scent is affecting me a little as well, I have no idea that a guy like him could smell that nice and he smelt like musk and I liked that smell on a guy. All of him is making my heart rate increase and my cheeks are heating up as well, what exactly is happening to me?

"Hold on tight, don't ever let go of me." That was the only thing that I told him the whole time when I was going down the mountain, I don't know what else to say to him. It is not like he is that close to me, we might have spoken to each other a few times before but it was because I was trying to dig out information about him and he was refusing to tell me anything personal.

And now I am piggybacking him down the mountain, it is something that a big strong guy should be doing but that big strong guy is at the bottom of that very mountain, waiting for his boss to finish up his business.

I wanted to at least notify Song DaeYeon that I am with Kim Taehyung and he is in pain and needs a lot of medical attention but I don't have the time to actually do that and my phone is in my bag and my bag is with one of my members, I thought that I didn't need my phone because I am just talking to Kim Taehyung for a while and the phone isn't a necessity to me at all, I can survive without my phone for a few hours until nighttime where I would watch my dramas and catch up on the latest news before I go to bed.

So I am without my phone and I am piggybacking Kim Taehyung down the mountain and the best thing is that Song DaeYeon doesn't know anything about what happened earlier, whatever that happened had led to this moment. It was really shocking for me to witness that but I have managed to calm myself down and try my best to be the good person for now and do what I have to do, piggyback Kim Taehyung down the mountain and pass him over to Song DaeYeon and my job here is done.

But it doesn't seem that I listened well to myself as I am now in the same car as Kim Taehyung and Song DaeYeon and we are on the way to the nearest hospital, I thought that I should leave as soon as we got down the mountain but I was too afraid to leave him alone even though I know that Song DaeYeon has the ability to take care of Kim Taehyung. If he could handle 3 orders of coffee at the same time, he could do the same to his boss and handle him perfectly.

"I am so thankful that you are around to take care of Taehyung hyung, he could've died if not for you." Song DaeYeon said to me while he was driving.

"That was nothing, I was just there in time and I would look like a bad person if I were to leave him alone," I replied back.

"I am still very thankful for what you have done and I am also very surprised at how you piggybacked Taehyung hyung, that is something that a normal person can't do to a grown man. How did you even carry him when you are way lighter than him?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know but he is lighter than I have expected, K-pop idols are always skinner than most people as they are always on a diet. But is he really going to be okay?" I asked DaeYeon.

He nodded. "Nothing much is going to happen to him, he is a very lucky man if you ask me. The café wouldn't be such a success without him." No, it is your ability to make coffee like a robot...

I looked back at Kim Taehyung who is at the backseat of the car and he isn't looking very good though, his face has totally turned pale and he is breaking out into cold sweat. Even though I have hated him for what he said to me, but he is still just a human being in the world and he can be weak, it is just his stubborn and his way of being mysterious helped him become someone that he isn't and I hope that he can return back to the old Kim Taehyung that everyone knows. And I am sure that his members will be happy to have him back with them, it has been too long since he left them to hide such a huge secret that he hid from everyone except for Song DaeYeon.

And now I am the second one to know about it and I am not just a regular person to him, I am something special to him and I will keep that secret for him. If he wants to tell anyone, he will tell it, now is not the right time for it.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz