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"I know that and she had been failing everything in her life and she can't do anything without failing, she now needs a lot of help and you are not helping her at all. Do you know that she worked in the entertainment industry for a year and then she decided to give up when the group disbanded?" Did she use to be an idol? Since when?

"What group is she in?" I asked, I really want to know what group was her from and the reason why they disband.

Now that I look at her once more in a new light, she does look like an idol group member, she had the vibe and the visuals that make up a girl group member. And I think that I have seen her somewhere before but I can't really remember, it is stuck in my head but the memory is all blurry. Where the hell have I seen her at?

"That doesn't matter at all, what matters is that she failed at her dreams of being an idol and now she is just trying to live a normal life like a normal civilian, I want her to study like a regular university student but she isn't helping herself. I want you to help me by firing her so that she can fully focus on her studies, she is about to graduate next year and I want her to graduate from the course with flying colours."

"Can I have a word alone with DongMi? You can have a coffee while you wait, it is in the house." I need to know exactly who she is so that she can help me. "Please, it would help her a lot."

Her older brother heaved a huge sigh. "Fine, then I would want a coffee. An iced latte please." I signalled that towards DaeYeon who is already finishing up his order as we speak, he passed the iced latte towards Yang JiHoon. "How did you even--"

"That is what we strive for in this café, efficiency is key in this industry," I told him and I turned towards DongMi who is confused with the entire situation. "Shall we?"

She slowly nodded and I walked towards the back of the café, she followed behind closely. "Sajangnim, I didn't expect my older brother to find out about me working, he saw my apron and he demanded that I quit immediately and he confiscated my phone as well--"

"I will make sure that you don't quit, I will never allow you to quit without my permission," I told her and she was stunned.

"But why? I am not one of the best Baristas that you can find out there, I mean that Song DaeYeon is the textbook example of what a Barista should be like and he is the fastest Barista that I have ever seen. I swear that I will only drag you down if I continue to work here."

"It is not about you working slow and all, you are actually doing very well for your first time working as a Barista, it is just that Song DaeYeon is way too fast at making coffee. I think that he had trained to make coffee since he was born." I don't know if I'm lucky or not, but a lot of well-known Baristas have been approaching him to go work with him and he rejected every single one of them saying that he preferred working with me even though he is the only employee there and now there is Yang DongMi.

I know that he is just worried that I will be alone if he leaves for another café and he has been there for me since the very start and he knows everything about me and of course everything that happened one year ago. "I need you in my café because you have to help me keep one secret and I will make sure that you graduate from university as well. You haven't answered one very important question as well."

"What question?"

"What group are you in and why did you guys disband?" If she is really the girl that I have met a year ago, then she can help me get back my life. She is the one who stopped me from ending my own life and I want to thank her for what she has done for me.

"The group name is Wish, we debuted 2 years ago and we disbanded last year. The reason why we disbanded is not that we became unpopular, it is not because we ran into debt."

"It is because of a sexual abuse case between a girl group member and her manager, the manager raped the girl and she committed suicide as a result." She is indeed the girl that I have been looking for, she is TaeEun's best friend and fellow girl group member who debuted with her over a year ago.

"How did you..." She was stunned at my reply, not knowing what to reply back as I have just dropped one huge bomb on her without any warning.

"I am Kim TaeEun's older brother, I told her not to tell anyone about our relationship." The whole thing was disguised as a false report which seems realistic to everyone who doesn't know about the group, it has been like that ever since the group debuted, they are from a well-known company but the way that they do things is contradicting to their image a lot.

It is not complicated debuting a group but debuting a group by sexually assaulting a particular member is not right, they train for years and the only way for them to succeed is to show what they have trained, not to entertain rapists with their disgusting fetishes. This is totally wrong and I don't support that, if you are going to debut a girl group, do it the right way and not by promising to debut them after raping them and telling them to shut up and not tell anyone about it or the group will be disbanded.

My younger sister did that and DongMi found out about it, she convinced TaeEun to spill the beans to the CEO but she got raped again by the same manager who found out that she told everyone in the company, she committed suicide the next day with a suicide note asking for a plea to disband the group.

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