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I scooped a spoonful of baby food from the baby bowl and I fed it into my adorable niece's mouth and she liked it, I have a 6 month old niece and she only started to have solid food in her diet and she has been liking it a lot. She is Song GaEul and she was born during autumn, which explains why she was named after the season. She is extremely adorable and she would smile at me every time I go see her, my older sister would complain that I come to her house too often and told me to study harder instead of coming here to become someone's aunt.

"Isn't too delicious, my beloved GaEul? Say that it is delicious, say it." I pinched her cheeks while feeding her another spoonful. "That's my lovely niece, you really loved to eat food."

My older sister comes out of the kitchen and she sits down next to me looking at her daughter. "How many spoonfuls have you fed her?" She asked me.

"This is the last 2 spoonfuls, she really eats very well, I don't remember any of us having such a huge appetite when we were still infants." I asked my sister. "Who do you think that she gets it from? Her father?"

She nodded. "But how do you know exactly that you were a very fussy kid when you were little?"

"Omma always says this to me every single time I am fussy with food and she would nag on and on about how I should eat well so that I will grow up into a graceful and beautiful lady. Look at me, I am just as graceful and beautiful even if I am a fussy eater."

"Except for the graceful part, you are not graceful at all, you bump into everything and you always has those bruises on your body all the time. You are really a problematic child when you were growing up, I am so glad that you have grown up already so that you wouldn't have a chance to bump into things all the time."

"I still do, Unnie." I placed down the food bowl and showed her my latest bruise. "I got it while I was feeding GaEul, I bumped into the table while trying to sit down."

"How is that even possible?" She deeply sighed. "You just never change, even till now you are still a little kid and you will never change for the next 20 years of your life."

I nodded. "That is me, I am Yang DongMi and I am as stubborn as a mule." I told her and I fed GaEul at the same time, finishing up her meal and I placed the food bowl on the coffee table.

"You were so stubborn that you went ahead with wanting to be a K-pop idol that you followed your friends to the audition without Omma's permission and I remembered that she was so angry that she didn't talk to you for days, it was only when you promised her that you would get a high grade for your high school entrance examinations, if not you wouldn't even have a chance to debut in the industry."

"And I failed horribly, I should have taken her advice when she told me that I don't have the talent to be able to stand on stage and be the center of attention for a very long time." I sighed. "I am really not cut out for that and I even wasted 4 years of my youth for that dream, but all it comes back to me is nothing and I would have to start all over again. And now I  am back in school trying to be a regular person but at least Omma is not angry at me anymore."

She nodded, with me going back to school, our mother has been really calm about everything and she rarely gets angry at me which I am glad about. "It is because you have so many things that you want to do and want to be when you were growing up, I remembered the time that you wanted to be a florist but you remembered that you had an allergy to those pollen grains and you spent all week just sneezing after your first class."

I silently groaned, not wanting to remember my dark past when I am still unsure about my future and I decided to try everything out, there was a lot of trails and errors that I did during that period of time. "That was embarrassing but I never knew that I was allergic to flowers before that so it is still a good memory to me, because of my allergy, you always had to get rid of the flowers in your house before I come to visit."

She nodded. "Are you still unsure about what are you going to do?" She asked me and I nodded. "Don't worry, you have all the time to start thinking about that and if you are still unsure by the time you graduate, go take up a office job or get married to a rich man who can provide for you."

I scoffed. "That is some terrible advice that you are giving me." I looked at GaEul and then back to her. "I am glad that you knew what exactly you wanted to be ever since you were a little kid and you kept going towards your ballerina career and you really became a ballerina, and at the peak of your career, you decided to get married and have GaEul at the age of 25. You are really the model daughter of the family and I can never be like you, I am still unsure about my future and I am already entering my early 20s."

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "That is just pure luck, you can have that kind of a luck as well but it is not your time to shine yet. When it is your time to shine, nothing can ever stop you from getting what you want and you will be that successful person that you always wanted to be."

"Maybe that is the case." I suddenly feel so emotional and I shouldn't cry at a place like this and at this time, GaEul is here and I don't want to see my ugly crying face. "Shall we watch the news? I wonder what is the hottest issue right now." I switched on the TV and it was on the news channel.

I was utterly shocked at the person that was on the screen and the tagline that was written below the news. "Super K-pop Idol BTS V returns back to BTS after a year long hiatus", "BTS' V to come back into the industry after leaving the group"

My older sister gasped at the TV screen. "Are you serious? I thought that he left the group a long time ago, why is he back now for? Isn't the group planning to get disbanded?" It looks like I would have to do what I promised to do when Kim Taehyung returns back to the industry.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now