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I walked over to the house next to mine as I carried something important with me, something that I needed to show my best friend right away after getting out of the café. His mother let me in as soon as she knows that it is me and told me that her beloved son is in his room, slacking off and doing nothing as usual.

I opened the door since it was unlocked and I eyed someone at the computer table playing one of his favourite video games with his headphones on, he is quite an avid gamer and that is how he needed to work part-time all the time. He needed money to buy new games and his allowance is not enough to buy them, games like that could cost an entire month of allowance depending on how popular the game is.

I sat down on his bed without taking off my socks and I huddled myself in his blankets as I waited for him to take off his headphones and realize that his bedroom has been infiltrated by his best female friend, he is always way too engrossed in his games to even realize that I am here in his room.

There was once I came to his room to take a nap and because I didn't feel like going back to my house which is about next door, I climbed into his bed and I texted him telling that I will be using his bed for a while. He didn't reply to my messages even though we are in the same room and he was gaming at that time, he only knew that I slept in his bed a few hours later when I have already gone back home to have dinner with my family.

He is this type of a friend but I still very much loved him as a best friend, he was the only one who refused to leave my side even when he found out that I was jobless and my group has disbanded and I'm not an idol. I had a lot of people from school wanting to be my friend when they found out that I was working in the entertainment industry, they wanted me to get autographs from their favourite groups and wanted me to make some connections for their behalf.

I was rather happy at first because I never had so many people finding for me to do stuff for them, it was Jihoon who stopped that thinking of mine and told me that they were only using them to meet their idols and nothing else. And now that I have returned back to being a university student and a nobody, no one ever comes up to me to ask me anything about showbiz life and wanting albums signed by them.

It only showed me that popularity only lasts for a while, people only take notice of you when you are popular and useful for them, once your time to shine is over, everything will go back to normal and you will be back at square one.

He turned around and yelled loudly when he finds someone buried in his blankets and then stopped when he finds out that it was only me, his female friend who treats his bed as her bed. "When did you even invade my room as you have always done? Do you have nothing to do at home that you have to find me to play with you? I'm not your only friend."

"To me, you are my only true friend who loves me for who I am," I told him. "Plus, I love your bed. It is always so springy and comfortable, I would give up my bed just to sleep at your bed."

"You want any food? My mother made a lot of food last night and now there are a lot of leftovers." He pointed to outside the door. "Or do you just want a drink?"

"I will take it myself but first I have to show you this." I gave him my application form at the café. "I got the job."

He looked at the form in awe. "Oh wow, you really went for it and that guy gave you a job just like that. Did he recognize you?"

"Recognise me? Please, I rarely appear on the TV screen and I am from one of the lesser known girl groups, and I have never met him in person before that."

He is a very known idol in the entertainment industry and everyone knows him by heart, he was already on his World Tour with his other members when I debuted a year ago. We have never attended the same music award shows, there is no way that my group would have an invitation because no one knows me and it is even impossible that he would see me anywhere else.

We are practically strangers in the same occupation if I were to describe my relationship with the world famous idol. "What did you even do to make him accept you? Did you dance in front of him?"

I rolled my eyes. "I pleaded him for me to work here, I told him that I really needed that job and someone there helped me. His employee helped me speak for him and that's why I got the job, I wouldn't have gotten it if not for his help."

He nodded his head looking rather amused at the whole situation. "Will you be able to handle workflow? Since you have never worked part-time before, I'm a little worried for you. Do you want me to be there for support?"

I shook my head. "Just continue to play your games and you will be fine, you being there is only going to make me even more nervous."

He raised his eyebrows. "If you say so, just don't come crying to my bed and complain that being a part-timer is a hard thing to do. Your plan will go to waste if you do that."

"I'm sure that I can do this, if I can't work there, I have to know his reason for his sudden disappearance."

"Why are you so persistent doing that?"

"I feel that he is not happy to leave the group and there must be an explanation behind all that," I told him. "He is suffering and he needs help, I am someone who will help him. I don't want him to be like me, who had to give up her dreams because it is impossible to carry on."

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now