오십 구

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I woke up this morning feeling a little odd and I swore that I had shut my windows before I went to bed last night. I looked to my right where the windows are and they are shut, so what is odd about this morning?

Did I not wear a hoodie to bed last night? I looked down and I am looking at my hoodie, so my attire is not the reason why I am feeling a little weird about whatever I am feeling weird about.

I got out of my bed and I washed up, hoping that it would change up my emotions a little and it helped me slightly. Did Daeyeon not change the air refresher in the bathroom?

I literally saw him open a new bottle and he sprayed it all over and the smell is still there, and he told me that he would be spraying very often. Maybe it is because of the prank that Daeyeon played on me last night.

I have known this guy for the longest time and he is not the best at cracking jokes and he doesn't do that to avoid me laughing at him so last night was terrifying because he did something that shocked me and caused me to be this paranoid that the members would run here to get me, he accepted a phone call claiming that it was from DongMi and he told her to come to get me.

He hung up a second later telling me that it is just a spam call and DongMi never called him, and I was relieved that it wasn't DongMi and it would be another day of them not being able to find me. As long as there is one day that they are not able to find me, it would be such a blessing.

I smelled pancakes as I am walking to the kitchen and Daeyeon is there making food, he already had prepared me my cup of hot chocolate and I took it, thanking him for it.

"That would be me that you are thinking, I added an extra spoon of sugar and I hoped that it won't be too sweet for you." I looked to my left and I nearly dropped my cup of hot chocolate when he grabbed it and placed it back on the counter. Jimin?

Why is Park Jimin here? I looked around and now I noticed that there is a whole bunch of people that I don't expect to see at this time and they are all here, having breakfast as if it is not their first time here.

"Jungkook, you said that you wanted an extra pancake?" Song Daeyeon turns around and it is not Daeyeon but Seokjin hyung instead. Why are they here?

"Seokjin hyung, how come you are here? How did you know that I would be here?" I said to him and the others looked at me, and Daeyeon is not around at all. Where is he anyways?

I immediately thought of getting the phone and I called Daeyeon, hoping that he would pick up the call and tell me that it is all a dream and I will wake up in no time. There is no way that he actually contacted Yang DongMi last night and told them the address and they all came here to find me, there is no way that Song Daeyeon would do that.

"Daeyeon!" He picked up the call on the third ring. "What is happening here?"

"Hyung, I am sorry. I know that you didn't want them to find you but you have to talk to them. I will be back in 3 hours so say whatever you want to say to them and I will be back by then, I am with DongMi and I trust that you will talk to them." He hung up and I looked back at the members.

They are all looking forward to seeing me and they are glad that they are finally able to find me and they want to talk to me, to convince me that it is a bad decision that I am making and I am making a mistake.

"We are not here to convince you to come back to me, instead we are going to have fun together." Namjoon hyung said to me and the rest of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"Taehyung, be our tour guide and bring us around your hometown for one day!" HoSeok hyung said to me, his smile never fading. Is this their new way of interrogating me?

"We will meet at the cafe, we can have coffee there," I said to them, letting out a sigh.

The cafe is still in the midst of renovation and there is nothing there but I don't think that they would mind that, there is still a coffee machine there because Daeyeon was using it the day before and he needs it there to function normally.

I got dressed in a more comfortable outfit and I made my way to the cafe where they have been a little too comfortable with the place and they have only been here once, it is as if I made the move here with them. And they all came here without any managers, except Yang DongMi who is not using her manager power here, and they are here to get me back.

I looked at their faces, each of them looked so much happier after seeing me and knowing that I am doing well in this place, I don't know if I want to tell them that I want to be here forever and I don't want to go out there and appear on every channel.

"Taehyung!" Jimin put on an even happier face as he stands up to greet me and I feel my heart breaking, it is better to confess the truth to them than to beat around the bush.

"Guys, there is no need to convince me to come back. I am done with being an idol, I am going to be here managing my small cafe and you guys are welcome to see me anytime you want." I told them with a bright smile on my face.

"Taehyung," Namjoon hyung stands up from his seat. "We are here to talk about our disbandment as a group."

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now