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I have an incompetent manager and she is not good at her job, she fails at most of her tasks and she barely passed any of them and she continues to make me disappointed over and over again. She doesn't have much experience and she is rude to me, the most important thing is that she doesn't have a driver's license and that would mean that we would have to book a cab every time I have a gig and we would have to travel fast.

I don't like sitting in other people's cars and that makes me feel uncomfortable, a stranger is driving us around and I don't know what to do when someone is driving and I am supposed to act as if they are not there and do my things. My manager should be the one who is driving me around and I will be able to have my meal in the car and I can nap comfortably in the car without the fear of a stranger seeing the worst side of me.

Yang DongMi doesn't know that and she doesn't have a driver's licence and that makes me so mad, it is more comfortable for me to be alone with her and she is the only person who knows me the best, she is the best person at taking care of me even though I don't want to admit it. She is the best friend of my younger sister who has passed away a year ago and she is the closest to her, knowing everything about her and I am exactly like my younger sister.

"Yang DongMi!" I yelled for her as soon as I get a short break before I would go back to filming, I don't need to shout for her because I know that she is always around but I want to get her attention for a while before I leave her alone.

She runs to me, and annoying fan a facial expression showing on her face. "What do you need?" She asked me. "A portable fan or a bottle of water?"

"Water, I am thirsty." She handed me the bottle and I drank a tiny sip of it, before giving to back to her. "Where did you go? I thought that you are supposed to be always around me so that I can call for you whenever I need you." I told her.

"You don't have to shout like that, it hurts your throat and it is bad for an idol to yell all day like that." She told me. "You better drink all of that to stay hydrated, you are not getting any snacks if you don't drink enough water."

"I can buy my snacks, what are you going to do about that?" I replied to her. "Are you going to take care of me and make sure that you tuck me in bed and spoon-fed me my meals?"

"You are not that useless, you can eat on your own." I hear the director announcing the end of the break, and I groaned. "Remember to call me if there is anything wrong, the director is famous for forcing things on people that they dislike."

I nodded my head, going back to set and I get to my position, looking back towards the cameras and then I spotted Yang DongMi standing near the cameras, intensely looking at it as if it is a diamond to her. Since when does she even have an interest in this?

She told me that she doesn't have many goals in life except for the fact that she wanted to be an idol before but that group has already disbanded and she left the industry a year ago, she is only enrolled in university and taking up a course in business administration because her mother wanted her to and it would be a plan B for her to fall back to when she needs the money and I can tell that Yang DongMi doesn't like it.

But she doesn't have any interests other than singing and dancing, the only reason why she is working for me is that she feels the need to pay for everything that she has done to me and TaeEun when she could live her life normally and forget that she once was a K-pop idol.

"Taehyung ssi, do you have any talents that you want to show us?" I was suddenly thrown with a question by the emcee of the show.

"My talents? I can do a lot of things, especially when it comes to acting." I told them, still looking at Yang DongMi who has now moved to a different type of equipment.

"Acting? Oh right, you acted in a drama years ago and you showed us a lot of great acting. Is it possible if you would give us a reenactment of one of the acting scenes?" The emcee said to me and I immediately thought of one particular scene, there was a cute scene where I showed my charms and I got into character quickly. "Not that, it is really cute but we want to see the emotion in your acting. How about you show us one of your crying scenes? You were crying in the drama because of your onscreen older brother right?"

I can't cry right now because of all the times that I spent crying because of TaeEun and now I can't cry at all, it is as if the tear gauge is now blocked and no tears can come out of it. "That is on the spot, I might not be able to cry immediately and it would take me a few minutes."

"But you are an actor and all actors are good at acting, I am sure that you can come up with something better than that and our audience would want to see you acting again. What did you do during your one-year hiatus anyway?" He touched on the parts that I don't want to do and I am feeling uncomfortable right now and I looked towards Yang DongMi who is not looking at other things but she is now making her way towards me with a furious look on her face.

"Don't you ask that to my artiste, you stupid emcee!" She yelled, completely ignoring the fact that we are on set and people outside of the filming area shouldn't be making any sound at all. Is she a superhero who is here to save me?

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