오십 팔

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I laid down on the bed, just scrolling through my phone and looking for the latest updates on the world there were many photos of the members getting taken and I regretted once again, that we could have just taken their cars and we could have avoided everything. I don't know if Seokjin ssi is lacking common sense but he has landed the members in trouble this time round.

They are very huge stars in the world and everyone knows their names by heart and they know their faces so there is no escaping if they are spotted in public and we went as a group and we took the train from Seoul to Daegu and the fans followed us as well, we only managed to get away from them not too long ago and I can't imagine what would even happen tomorrow.

Daegu is not that big and it is a huge city as well and there are a lot of people who are their fans, some of them might even find our lodging right now and they are just camping outside and waiting for us to get out to greet them. Why am I even here?

I feel like a tiny human when I am with them and it gets very overwhelming I just want Kim Taehyung to show his face and allow us to find him immediately, why must he be playing hide and seek with us when he knows that we are here to find him?

And he probably knows that we are in Daegu right now, I am sure that he is still active on Twitter because I have checked through all of the social media platforms that he is on and Twitter is the only platform that he hasn't deactivated and he saw the photos and he is planning to move further away than we thought.

I would have to tell the others about this and we will try to find Kim Taehyung as soon as possible, this guy is an expert at running away from reality and he did it for one year straight and he is so stubborn that it took one year for him to return and it would not be easy this time round.

I let out a sigh as I continued to look at the other posts when a phone call came in I was so shocked that I sat up and I took a few more seconds to process whatever was happening and I accepted the phone call before it was too late.

"DongMi ssi, this is Daeyeon and I am with Taehyung hyung. Yes, he is doing all fine so you don't need to worry."  The voice spoke and I was even more surprised, it is Song Daeyeon and he has finally decided to call me back.

I thought that he had forgotten about his phone by then, throwing it out of the window or something but it seems that it was found and the first thing he did is to call me back.

"Song Daeyeon put the phone down and listen to me..." Kim Taehyung is there as well. "DongMi ssi, I will text you the address and bring the other guys along as well." He hung up on me.

I waited for a few more seconds and a text message indeed came in and it is an address, I immediately got out of the room and made my way to Namjoon ssi's room, informing the other members on my way there.

They gathered in the room a few minutes later, all in their pyjamas and half awake, just happy that we have just gotten an update about Taehyung and we can go find him right now if we want to.

"Song Daeyeon contacted me by himself, he even sent me the address and it is a real place," I told them. "And it is not too far from here, we can get a taxi and we will be there in no time."

"Daeyeon did that? And Taehyung didn't try to kill him?" Jimin ssi asked and I nodded my head.

Even though they are close to Taehyung, they are not involved in the one-year hiatus and they don't know much about Song Daeyeon. He is practically a stranger to them and I don't think that they have ever met each other before, they might have seen him once or twice but I have never seen them talk to each other before.

So they have no idea how close Song Daeyeon is to Kim Taehyung and the only reason why Song Daeyeon would pledge his loyalty to him, he saved Kim Taehyung's life that day and that changed everything between the two of them.

"So, is it okay to go see him tomorrow?" HoSeok ssi said with much caution. "Because I don't think that there is enough time for him to suddenly move houses in the middle of the night."

"Don't be silly, Taehyung might seem intelligent at times but he is very innocent. He would just stay put and allow us to have the chance to see him." Seokjin ssi said to him.

"Did you manage to know if Song Daeyeon has been killed? Or if they are planning to run off to somewhere?" Yoongi ssi asked me and I looked at the messages that he just sent me.

I heaved a sigh. "He told Taehyung that it is just a joke and he believed him so he is just going to sleep as per usual and we can go see him tomorrow without any issues."

"Really? How does he trust Daeyeon that much?" Jungkook ssi asked. "He even entrusted the cafe to him and Taehyung hyung was staying with him for the past one year."

"He saved Taehyung's life and he is very indebted to him so Daeyeon pledged his loyalty to him and he will go wherever Taehyung wants to be," I told them. "But he is willing to lie to him for the sake of you guys and you guys have to try your hardest to convince Kim Taehyung to come back again or things will never be the same."

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Where stories live. Discover now