삼십 칠

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I stifled a yawn as I scrolled through the computer screen with the mouse, I told myself that I will be shutting it off after this and I will go to sleep, I have an early class tomorrow and I can't be late for that or I will fail that module. I looked at the countless words on the screen and then towards my notebook that I have been using for quite a while, I looked back and forth from the screen to my notebook while mouthing some words at the same time. "Must know what the members like and dislike so that they will not get into a fight if needed to settle a fight, have them do it by the end of the day to not ruin their friendship with one another."

Yes, I have been doing extra homework for my part-time job as BTS's manager, it is not very easy like what I thought and it is the same as it was depicted in the Korean dramas that I have watched. They wake up early in the morning and prepare to go to the dorms to get the members up to prepare for their first job of the day and we have to be there until they get dropped off at the dorms when they are done with work, the whole workday is more than 12 hours and it is not for a human being.

It is extremely crazy and it is like that for a world-famous group, well they are currently not promoting now but that doesn't mean that I have nothing to do at work, they still have their schedules and they don't really work together in the same place and so I would have to run from one location to the other to make sure that they are fine if they are shorthanded but I am currently assigned to take care of Kim Taehyung which means that I would have to follow him to every schedule that he has unless I have a class that I can't skip and he would have to turn up for the gig on his own.

That was what happened for today's schedule and he turned up alone because I had a class that I can't get an applied leave and it was an important class, I told the head manager and he approved of me going for my class and it is not like it is a huge problem, Kim Taehyung was only there for the afternoon and he was already done when I went over to the shooting set.

It is tough trying to juggle between school work and my job as an idol manager but it was enjoyable, I loved being on set and waiting in the changing rooms, it is as if I returned to my idol life but this time, I am here as an idol manager and it is even better, I don't have to act pretty all the time and no one would care how I looked like, they are more interested in Kim Taehyung than me who is just in charge of taking care of him.

"DongMi, are you still up?" There was a knock on the door and I jumped up in fright, there was my mother's voice and she is here to check on me if I am doing my job or spending the entire night watching dramas. I quickly closed the browser but she was a step faster than me, she was already entering the room and I am sure that she saw everything that I was browsing on the internet, she is incredibly good at using the internet and I bet that she checks my browsing history when I am not around.

"I can explain about this, it is for my project and I am doing up on the K-pop industry, and it is a very important assignment," I told her, it is partially correct because I am indeed researching more about the industry to learn more about idol managers.

"Is that so? Why are you so secretive about it? Are you hiding anything from me? You know that you can't hide anything from me because I am your mother and you are my youngest daughter, my life is fully focused on you and only you." She crossed her arms. "JiHoon told me about it the other day, that you are taking up a part-time job as an idol manager."

I swear that Park JiHoon has hidden a camera somewhere in my room to track everything that I have done, and he snitched to my mother when I didn't even tell him about it, he is on another level of betraying your best friend and telling it to my mother. "Omma, are you going to scold me? You didn't want me to go back to the industry, you told me that you will kill me if I did." I asked her, trying to see if she is hiding anything behind her back and if she is carrying a knife or a gun to kill her daughter.

"I will go to jail if I did that, and I don't understand why you think that it is a good idea to hide such a huge thing from me." She comes closer to me and I feel so threatened, she is so crazy and I don't know if she is still going to scold me.

"Because you don't like me going back to the industry, it ruined my life and I came back to enrol into the university of your choice because you wanted me to live the life that you chose for me," I told her my true feelings ever since I left the K-pop world, I have never told her about this and it will be the first time that she is hearing this.

"It is good that you want to study again but I can tell that you are not happy being the person that I want you to be, you don't even smile that much compared to when you told me that you are going to be a K-pop idol." She sat down on my bed.

"But I am not going to be a K-pop idol, I am taking care of K-pop idols and I am their manager. That is what I am trying out and if it works well for me, I might be able to do this for a few more years. Will you object to me being a K-pop manager?" I asked her, wanting her to say yes.

She nodded her head. "As long as it makes you happy, I don't mind you doing anything else." She said that to me and I suddenly felt like crying. "Come here and I will give you a hug, you did well my daughter." She opened her arms at me.

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