#1: Tales of a Heiwaian Summer

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The season of summer arrived.

Yet another day of summer passed.

Night fell upon the city of Tokyo.

A security guard too irrelevant to the plot to be named ended his shift in a swimming pool in Minato and left the premise of the building, but before he left, he turned on all the security lasers systems to protect the establishment from fiends wanting to use their shenenigans to please their damned, disgusting animalistic instincts.

But this is reality. There was no one in the world who would actually try to pass through such an intrigue web of red lines.

Anyway, the only thing between the entity in a cheap black bodysuit and night vision goggles and the changing rooms was an array of lasers, but they were nothing for someone with his skill.

He danced through the lasers, avoiding each single illuminated line, for his life depended on it. Such a graceful and magnificant dance, worthy of making professional ballet dancers rethink their lives, a dance with a beauty capable of ending all wars.

It took no less than five minutes to arrive at the changing room, and once inside, he who had danced through the lasers removed his goggles, letting his black and sharp hair finally flow freely.

He sighed and opened his dark eyes, that had a constant glare-shape to them.


Sawada Izuru, just a normal teenager who's fate was sealed by his fights with the headmaster of his school. Someone whose acrobatics were learnt from watching his older brother, who knew some things before his life became focused on a card game. But this was the first time he was using his skills for such a plan instead of fighting someone. Afterall, he was being paid vast sums of money by two idiots.

Izuru grabbed a walkie talkie from his belt and contacted his clients.

"The eye of the messiah has opened upon a brand new world. Roger."

"What? What does that mean? Ban, he's talking weeb again!!"

On the other side were his two friends, Serebryakov Tametomo, the head of operations and the genius behind this plan, and Ban Katsuhito, the sole investor and the money behind everything.

"It means the cameras are all set up, you fucking idiot! Can I go back now?! I have an event to farm on and V-Tubers to simp for because that's what my life became!"

"Are you sure everything's set? If this turns out to be a bust, you aren't getting paid!"

"Oh please, when was the last time I messed up?"

"This exact morning."

"...shut up, Ban! Talk back to me when you stop simping over some 3D girl!"

"Don't V-Tubers count as 3D?"

"And you can shut up too before I get Ako and Tamaki to simp for me again, Tate!"

"Oh you wouldn't dare!"

"You know me, I live for destroying my own reputation a bit every day!"

"Dammit, shut up you two! We have a clear view on you from the cameras, everything's set for tomorrow. You can return to base now, Red Falcon. Roger."

"Understood, Red Credit Card, Red Part of the Russian Flag. Roger."

And a full day passed.

A day of fun. A day of Tate chasing after girls, a day of Ban swinging his fat credit card, a day of Izuru being terrible at socializing. A day of fun between bros.

Night fell over Tokyo once again.

The trio sat around the laptop that contained all of the holy footage. With a click of button, the blossoms of the seeds they planted presented themselves in front of them...

A full day's worth of footage of men changing out of their clothes and into their swimming shorts, from teenagers to adults, from big muscular men to fat, greasy old men, from the ideal popular boy to the ultimate ugly bastard. Everything was there, except the girls they wanted to see.

The female changing room was on the right side of the building. The cameras were planted on the changing room on the left side.

Such cursed footage was not allowed to continue existing. The files were deleted, but they could be recovered, so they smashed the laptop to tiny bits and pieces, but it could be rebuilt, so they burried the remains of Tate's poor laptop on the deepest water body they could reach at that time of the night.

The three stood side by side in front of a river, staring blanky at the running water in pure and utter silence, filled by an overwhelming sense of despair and failure.

But then, Izuru spoke up.

"I'm still getting paid, right?"

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now