-Part 4

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Even though the park was a perfectly fine place for their fight to happen, Nakano chose a different location, so another unneeded scenary change happened.

Nakano and Ban would have their fight in a passage under a building stupidly far from the park, a good half a hour on foot for crying out loud. To make things better, the only way to get to it was through one of the two stairways that lead there. They weren't relevant right now, and only played a part later down the line.

While Ban and Nakano finished preparing for their fight, Ban started some small talk.

"This is your last shot to step aside, Nakano. It's nice of you to be doing this for your friend, but even someone like you can see his mistakes, right?"

"I didn't said otherwise, Ban-san." Nakano sighed, placing down his deck. "It's true that Yasuke didn't need to hurt your friend back then, but you're also blowing this out of proportion. Let's face it, tons of people still see us as dumb kids, kicking each other down hills sounds like the type of thing we'd do."

"Ahem... Do I get a saying on this matter...?" Tate sweatdropped, raising a hand. "Because I'm not even that mad about it anymore..."

"No." Ban and Nakano replied.

"Okay then..."

"So? That doesn't mean I'll just let it go, Nakano. Those two dumbasses may be the peak of human stupidity, but that doesn't mean I'll just let anyone go around and beat them up however and whenever they want. You could have stayed out of this and I could have beaten an apology out of your friend, but you chose this route, so I hope you stick with it until the end."

"I heard you message loud and clear, Ban-san." Nakano placed his hand on his starter and took a deep breath. 'But if I'm being completly honest, I know my chances of winning are hundred to zero. But that's why...' He looked up and glared at Ban. "Come." 'I don't need to win!'

'Oh? So that's the gamble you're gonna make here, Nakano-senpai. It certainly takes balls to do it, but I didn't expect nothin' else from our senpai.' Yasuke thought, smiling.

"Likewise." Ban replied, glaring back at Nakano. "Stand up, my vanguard! Beast Deity, White Tiger! (6000)"

"Stand up, vanguard! Chrono Tigar! (6000)"

The wind briefly blew by, carrying along the shards of Izuru's broken heart.


"Yup." Yasuke cackled. "Go get 'im, senpai!"

"I'll take the first turn. Stand and draw! I discard one and ride Beast Deity, Lift Taurus! (8000) White Tiger let's me draw one. Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

'Beast Deity... They're that clan with the Dragheart card, right? Or was that something else? Maybe the one with those gauge things?' Nakano thought. "Draw for turn. I'll discard a card to ride Chronotooth Tigar from my ride deck. (8000) Chrono Tigsr's skill, I draw a card and get a shield ticket. I attack with Tigar. (8000)"

"No guard."

"(Lost Break Dragon) I didn't get a trigger."

"(Screamin' and Dancin' Anouncer, Shout) No trigger either." Despite losing one of the copies of the second best card in the clan, Ban didn't looked fazed at the slightest.

"I end my turn there."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 0

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now