-Part 7

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Not today PETA, not today... Oh right, the story.

Following that entire funny ending to the Dark Zone Bout and the Vanguardriver testing, the boys rode out to a nearby convinience store to grab some snacks and drinks, and then drove out to the outskirts of Tokyo, to this nice area next to a river and under a ree. They parked their bikes, they set their food down, and they prepared to dig in into this cozy little picnic of theirs.

But first, Ban and Tate stared intensely at Izuru, who just looked at the tree with a flat stare.

"Dude..." Tate spoke up.

"Don't say it." Izuru intervened.

"You got..." Ban followed.

"Don't say it..."

"Bro..." The slav muttered.

"I said don't say it!"

"That deer kicked your ass so hard!" Ban and Tate laughed.

"You're both dead to me!"

Oh yeah, the deer kicked Izuru's ass. There's a reason why even a professional boxer like Gin, a taser wielding maniac like Masato and someone who can order an air strike like Kaido, ran away the moment they saw it. Only Homura has beaten that exact deer in a fight, and that was through using some very rough WWE moves.

Izuru got left in the gutter. One of his eyes was black, so he had to use some bandages around his forehead and right eye, alongside a metric crap ton of them around his arms and legs. Hell, even his back was sore after that ass beating. Not even Aimi on the night he almost did her mom went this hard on him.

No more saying you punched some tiles, loser.

"Dammit, I actually lost in a fight to an animal... How can I go compete in the God of Combat if some random ass deer without horns kicks my ass harder than Aimi?!" Izuru said, his voice filled with raw despair. Then he began eating freid chicken.

"But hey, now you get to ask Ibuki to take of you. Ain't that great?" Ban snickered, opening his lemon juice can can.

You drink what.

"Hm? What do you mean with- OH! HOLY CRAP! MIYUKI, YOU REALLY LIKE IBUKI, DON'T YOU?!" Tate asked. He finally completed the puzzle.

"Shut up, raw potato man! This has nothing to do with you two dumbasses, so zip-"

"Your scarf is pink." Tate said.

"IT'S NOT PINK, IT'S- MY BACK!" Izuru yelled, placing down his bucket of crispy goodness. "My body is no shape to have this fight... Yeah, I like Ibuki, just shut up about it and celebrate the end of his harem shenenigan..."

"Man, what an end of an era. I always thought senpai had the most chances compared to the rest." Ban said.

"Ooooh, true! Miyuki and Chika-senpai have always been so close since the first year, and I think they even kissed at one point! But if you ask me, I thought Mimi-chan would be the big winner since this guy lives to cuck Endo-san." Tate explained.

"Yeah, I could see it." Izuru shrugged. "I thought the winner would be Sumireko, since that'd cuck Endo even more."

"I don't think you get a say in this." The blonde boy sweatdropped.

"Alternatively, Rio-chan. If I had a ruble for everytime these two touched each other's asses, I'd have two rubles, which isn't alot, but it's sussy that it happened twice." Tate suggested.

"Wait, you did WHAT?!"

"Yeah. Back on that cave in summer. You were too focused on simping for Yumi to notice." Izuru said, opening a bag of crisps.

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