-Part 3

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Another day of summer began.

Izuru and Tate stood in front of the Ban family's apartment, summoned there by Ban, who hadn't shown his face around ever since their visit to Cafe Holmes. As per his weird request, the duo brought a pizza for him, with all the weird toppings he asked for.

"So... We gonna question this or not?" Tate asked, looking at the warm pizza box in his hands.

"What's there to question? That he asked for a pizza at ten in the morning or that a maid cafe was making pizzas this early?" Izuru asked in returned.

"The toppings! Dude, I can understand pineapple on pizza, I grew to accept it, but mango on pizza? Berries on pizza? Bananas on pizza?! Did he return to monkey or what?!"

"Not all of us can like pizza with dough made using vodka, you know?"

"Oh- That happened one time! I brought that pizza one time! How long are you gonna keep assblasting me about it?!"

"Until you become a degenerate like us. Unga bunga, one of us, unga bunga, one of us." Izuru cheered.

"Oh shut up! Yo Katsu-chan, open the hell up, will you?!" Tate yelled, knocking on the door again.

As the "Speaking of the devil" saying goes, the door of the aparment was opened, and what stood behind it shocked Izuru and Tate to the point of paralysis.

A monkey covered in a coat of blonde fur, and wearing some of Ban's old clothes that he had outgrown over the years, stepped out of the apartment, took the pizza out of Tate's hand, placed the money Ban owned to them in his hand and returned inside, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"He returned to monkey." Tate bluntly said.

"He returned... To monkey." Izuru nodded

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU RETURNED TO MONKEY?!" The best friend duo asked, following to monkey inside.

"I know I roasted you yesterday but that didn't meant I actually wanted you to become a monkey, dude!" Izuru explained. "I'm so sorry!"

"As his best friends, we must accept this important change in his life and accept him as the primate he now is!" Tate declared, clenching his fist with pride. "We must let no verbal harm come to our best friend as he faces this new and hard phase of his-"

"YOU DUMBASSES! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Ban yelled, running out of the bathroom.

Izuru and Tate looked back at their actual friend, who was now sporting a new haircut after taking Izuru's words of wisdom to heart, then shared a glance and looked back at the blonde monkey.

"Don't worry Ban, I'm sure people will still accept you for being a bad deck-playing monkey!" Tate exclaimed.

"Yeah! I won't let anyone make fun of you if you wanna do monkey business with a Great Nature monkey!" Izuru nodded.

"Yeah! We can understand if you want to clap Isabelle's cheeks!"

"You two..." Ban growled.

With his right hand, Ban grabbed hold of the nape of Tate's neck.

With his left hand, Ban grabbed hold of the nape of Izuru's neck.

Like a monkey about to beat his chest to assert dominance, Ban pulled the two closer to his chest, but instead, just like a monkey clanking two stones together to crack the tough shell of the fruit it wanted to feast on, he slammed their heads together.

After some minutes to get ice packets for their bruised foreheads, Izuru and Tate looked down on Ban, who simply sat on his couch with a confident smirk and his arms crossed. The monkey had left for the upper floor.

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora