-Part 2

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"You guys will have the honour of fighting the legendary Team Hanabi!" Ryuuga chuckled, pretending to be pushing up a pair of glasses.

"For real?!" Ban asked. "That... That's huge!"

"Fighting Hanabi... Holy shit, I never thought that day would come... And I was even in the event where they debuted!" Tate exclaimed. "We're in, we're so, so, in!"

"You guys should tone your expectations down..." Izuru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Geez, stop being so skeptical. It'll be fun!" The blonde boy said.

"I'm skeptical because I know how much of losers these guys actually are. But if you guys wanna do this... Then sure, let's have a go at it. Can't say I don't like the idea of bullying my big brother through card games."

"Though love, they say, he doesn't mean any of that, they say..." Ryuuga cried. "While it looks like we don't have enough people for it, I was thinking of us having a casual five on five. First you guys fight with these three dumbateers." He explained, pointing at Kaido, Masato and Gin. "We can decide how we'll do the last two fights later, but I'll fight in those. First side to score three dubs wins this little testing tournament of ours."

"What do we get if we win?" Ban asked.

"That's the fun part. You get nothing."

"F-for real?" Tate blinked.

"No, that's just joke, but I always wanted to say that. You guys get to have personalized Vanguardrivers when they come out. Ryuzaki said it was cool, since he's already making special ones for a few folks." Ryuuga explained.

"And if you lose-"

Gin was about to explain what would happen if they lost, but Masato cut in by pressing his taser's trigger.

"That's all the explanation you need." Kaido said.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts..." Tate sweatdropped.

"Yeah..." Ban nodded.

"Morons." Izuru sighed.

"That's rich coming from the guy in a pink scarf." The rich man snickered.

"I know, right? Who gave it to you, your mom?" Masato laughed.

Izuru's eyes widened. In a swift roundhouse kick, the kicked the taser out of Masato's hand and into Kaido's neck, giving the track suit wearing guy a good hand pain while tasing the hell out of the rich cunt.


'And I thought I was the obvious one...' Ban thought, sweatdropping.

"I think it looks neat." Ryuuga shrugged. "Either way, let's go get this testing festival underway! We wanted to do this tonight and then blow up a ton of fireworks, but that bitchy old lady living across the street keeps calling the cops on our noise. Well screw you Mamako-san, I'm having constant sex with your granddaughter!"

"You haven't left the temple in three days." Mayuri said.

"Shut up, at least I have a girlfri- I mean wife! You only got your hand!"

"And I can get home in time to enjoy it because I'm not overworked, what are you trying to prove?" 

"You snotty middle schooler... You lost to the big bird, never forget that!"

"It's fine. Some chicks dig the copium."

"Why you-"

"Give it up, he kinda won this one." Gin sweatdropped. "So, who are you guys sending in first?" He asked, looking at the Heiwa students.

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now