-Part 4

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After Ban's ten minutes of screaming "EXPLOSION BLUE!", Team Big PP Nation added another win to their record. One more, and they'd win the Vanguardriver testing tournament without even needing to go up against Ryuuga. But like with the last match, first came the time for a small break for some team conversation.

"Go monkey, go monkey, go monkey, go bananas!" Tate and Izuru cheered with the clap of their hands.

"Oh yeah." Ban nodded to the beat of his praise, but the lyrics eventually click on his head an he smacked his teammates. "Shut up, I'm not a monkey!"

"Duuuuude! Beating Kaido-san just like was awesome! You took all of his trash talk and then hit him with the word play double whammy! What a legend!" Tate screeched. "DUUUUUUUUUUUDE THAT WAS SO COOL!!!!"

"Bro not even I looked so cool when I critted his ass! I was playing Ammy Calico with Tom and Ichikishima, you were just dropping down triggers and getting 3ks until you went jazz hands! If Yumi was here, she'd show why she plays Bermuda Triangle!" Izuru said.

"Indeed, I was super- OI DON'T ABOUT HER LIKE THAT, DUMBASS!" Ban exclaimed.

"Eh? I don't get it. Miyuki, explain."

"I know the joke you make about Tamaki playing Aqua Force?"

"She likes sea men?"

"No, the other one."

"She's moi- Oh, she's mosit! Yumi-chan would be totally moist after seeing this display of chad-!"

Poor Tate's lights got punched out before he could end his sentence. Ban was having none of those disgusting jokes with the girl he loves.

Can we make him the protagonist now?

"Say dumb shit again and you'll be next." Ban huffed.

"You've thrown me against a wall, I can survive a fist or two!" Izuru deadpanned.

"Then I'll talk about why you're so defensive about that pink scarf. You think me and Yumi are obvious, but you're even worse than us!" Ban said with a gremlin smug. "Izuru and Ibuki, sitting under a tree-"

"S-s-shut up, dumbass! And it's not pink, it's magenta!" The black haired exclaimed, speedwalking away from his teammates while hiding his blushing with the scarf. "Hey Ryuuga! Get moving, I'm gonna take the last dub our Big PP Nation needs!"

"Hm? But I haven't finished my choccy milk yet!" Ryuuga replied.

"Really? What are you, five?" Gin asked with a heavy sigh.

"We did this joke last part, I'm sueing whoever says they're five inches deep in my mom. You losers don't even got two inches to your names." Kaido threatened, glaring at his friends.

"I wish I was five inches deep in someone else..." Mayuri sighed with slumped shoulders. He was down bad. "I'm telling you. After a few more dates, me and Rei-chan will be like Danny and Ashur-Da. She will push me out, but I'll keep going back in, and a choice restriction won't stop me!"

The Hanabi members just stared blankly at Mayuri's very poor word choice. Kaido took it upon himself to be the greater man and not make a poor taste joke, out of pity for the other guy that made him want to buy the island where GEN Academy was.

That and he's the only one that knows what an Ashur-Da is.

"Yeah, maybe next time you try to break the fourth wall, you try to not sound like a registered sex offender." Kaido said, giving Mayuri a pat on the back. No matter how much of a gremlin Mayuri was back in the day, he was the bully that Kaido couldn't be after he graduated.

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