-Part 5

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At last, the time for the fight against Ryuuga arrived.

After three hardous battles, one of copium, one of word tricks, and one of Masato using cheesy one liners, the potential final battle arrived. One more win, and the Big PP Nation would win the Vanguardriver testing tournament, but if they lost, they'd have to fight Ryuuga again, this time with the victory weighting harder on them.

Or they could just job the first try to get a feel of how Ryuuga plays and then use that against him on the final round, sure that is a gamble but there's two gacha addicts in the Big PP, so it isn't that bad of an idea.

Izuru of the pink scarf, Tate of the Reijy copium and Ban of the obvious love interest walked up to the center stage, where Ryuuga awaited to explain how the final two fights would go down.

"The final fights... Will be a special relay fight!" Ryuuga announced.

"Cool!" Tate exclaimed. "What's that?"

"You keep cards in hand until the third player gets a massive wall of a hand. Or you just go back to G and play Madre." Izuru shrugged.

"Shut up, you two." Ban sweatdropped. "Explain the rules, Ryuuga-san."

"Hai hai! Alright, so, a relay fight! This will be a relay fight against just me, so it's basically a three on one that isn't happening at the same time!"

"Which is a good thing since he doesn't have the brain cells for three fights at a time." Kaido spoke up.

"Next time I see you on the street while driving, I'm gonna kansei dorifto on a water pond and splash you..." Ryuuga sweatdropped.

"I say he hits a lamp first." Gin snickered.

"I say he hits a lamp before even seeing Kaido." Masato replied, opening his wallet.

"Shut up! My driving is perfectly fine and is even better than yours! It's not my fault you three are just too much of road pussies to see how badass my drifting is! Anyway, relay fight! The relay fight! Each side needs a total of eleven damage to lose. Since it's just me on my side, I need the full eleven to lose, but since it's three people on your side, the first fighter gets replaced after five damage, the second after three, and then the third fighter loses when you get to eleven damage. Assuming nobody rips heals out of their ass, the third fighter will most likely lose after three damage."

"Question." Ban raised his hand. "What if the first fighter is at four and you hit with an atatck with two or more crits?"

"Normally they'd take one damage and the rest is cancelled, but that sounds boring so let's scrap that! If you take three to the face, you take the three and then leave! When a fighter gets replaced, the cards in the damage and field stay, and they draw three cards plus the number of cards the previous fighter had in hand. Let's say I kick my little brother's ass while he has four in hand and then Tate-kun comes. He'll draw seven cards."

"You lost me at plus." Tate admitted with a sweatdropped.

"What else is there to say... Oh right, there will be two special rules for me, to make things more balanced. Since I'm just one guy with a fifty card deck, after a fighter gets replaced, my drop zone is shuffled back into my deck."

"Considering our side has hundred fifty cards while you have fifty, that's fair. What's the second rule?" Izuru asked.

"The current turn ends after a player is replaced, so in case that happens before my vanguard attacks, I'll draw cards up to my vanguard's drive check. I'm not blonde enough to say I don't need such handicaps, I'm realistic enough to know when I need some help."

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