-Part 2

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The ultimate swimming pool operation was by far the biggest failure in the history of men of culture.

With only their despair to guide them in this far too cruel of a world that they found themselves, Izuru, Tate and Ban wandered the streets of Ikebukuro in yet another new day of summer. Even though they stopped to enjoy the games in different arcades and the food in different estabalishments, no matter how much they laughed at their silly jokes, their eyes showed all of the despair that their accomplishment had given them.

The three decided to stop by a park in the zone and sit on the empty swings to reflect on their poor life choices.

"You ever look at someone and wonder what's going on inside their head...?" Tate asked with a meek voiced, staring blanky at the dirt ground.

"I wish I could have stopped us before this..." Ban sighed, slowly drifting down his swing until he fell on the ground, but didn't bother to get up. The despair easily outmatched him.

"The ugly bastard tag is too accurate." Izuru deadpanned.

"Yeah... AH THIS SUCKS ASS!" Tate yelled, bouncing off his swing and kicking it away from him. "It was the greatest, most well formed plan ever! It outmatched all war plans made in any of the world wars, fuck you fight me! And I can't believe we sat through two hours worth of dudes wanking their cocks out because we forgot to check where the correct changing room was!  How are we ever gonna recover from this?! We flexed so hard on Keiki and Doujima and this is how karma got us!"

"Life's like a dick and these bitches make it hard." Ban sighed softly into the ground.

"Get your spirit back up, dude!" Tate exclaimed, lifting Ban's head by his hair. "We can't let this be the end of us! If anything, it's like karma! We got cucked by a bunch of dicks, so now we'll be repaid with even more boobs!"

"We're not playing destiny gacha." Izuru deadpanned.

"It's only gacha if you believe, so believe it! Wait that's not right- Ah my brain can't process this stupid crap!!" Tate groaned. "I wanna go drown my pain in unholy amounts of curry..."

"I want cake..." Ban muttered.

"Oh for god's sake, you two are a lost cause." Izuru sighed and got off his swing. "I know a coffee place in this area, let's go there."

"I was a lost cause too, I also wanted the plan to work. I can't believe all my hard work got didn't got us any boobs in the end..."

The three desperate losers paid a visit to a small coffee shop in Ikebukuro known for its vintage look and good coffee, called "Cafe Holmes", as the wood carved sign placed on top of the entrance door said. Thankfully, the famous phantom thief of signs that threatened the signs of Tokyo had yet to strike this place. Afterall, how could anyone attempt to steal from this place when the owner was who he is?

"We'll have three coffees, the strongest thing you can offer us." Izuru said, sitting in one of the booths across the front counter with his friends. "And cake and curry, and quite honestly, if you have any mapo tofu, I'll have your biggest plate."

"Roses are red, violets are blue, existing is pain, I just want to die." Tate sighed, placing his head on the table.

"They say failure only makes you stronger, but I only find myself weaker than ever." Ban said in a poetic tone.

"...make that two plates!" Izuru screeched.

"Summer began this weekend, did all of you get rejected this fast? The new generation is a mess." The owner, manager, chef and sole worked of the cafe, a tall man in his 50s with a muscular build and brown hair, aswell as a smug smile, said. 

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