-Part 5

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At the end of the night, Izuru returned home by his lonesome self, with two paper bag of leftover fried chicken, surprisingly. Turns out scamming KFC wasn't needed. And why was he alone? It seemed that Ibuki just disappeared from the party without telling anyone, and only texted Chika saying she got a cold and left.

"Honestly... That Ibuki had to go and catch a cold on a day like this... Maybe next time bring a jacket before following me to the cold." Izuru sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I had to carry these bags by myself because of that..." He groaned.

As he finished walking up the stairs that'd take him to his apartment's floor, he noticed a girl sitting in front of the door, hugging her legs and burrying her face in her knees. Despite her hair being as white as the snow piled on top of it and of her shoulders, he could tell who she was.

"What the- What are you doing?!" Izuru asked, dropping his bags and rushing to her side. He crouched next to her and began wiping away the snow on top of her. "You can't be out in the snow if you got a cold!"

"Ahah... I lost my keyes..." Ibuki chuckled.

"Then you should have called me or something! How did you even get here in that condition?!" He asked, helping her get up.

"The trains aren't down for the count yet..."

"Not even on Christmas Eve?! Damn, those guys really like their job..." Izuru sweatdropped.

Inside the house, Ibuki sat in front of the couch, wrapped in a blanket, while Izuru stored the leftover fried chicken on the fridge and started making tea. 

"You sure you don't want me to turn on the lights?" Izuru asked, taking a seat next to her.

"Yeah... My head hurts a bit." Ibuki nodded. "How... How did it go with Nijimura...?"

"Oh, that? It wasn't anything special. Turns out Junpei wants to start mending things, just that."

"So you still aren't together...?"

"Course not. What'd make you think that?"

"You're really pathetic..." Ibuki shrugged. "I'm... Leaving tomorrow morning, this stuck in one place lifestyle doesn't work for me."

"H-huh?! Are you kidding?! Please tell me you're joking, you can't just-"

"So I don't regret anything..."

Ibuki placed her hand under Izuru's chin and moved closer, slowly stealing a kiss from him.

"I... Like you. And I don't want to get between you or Nijimura... Nor do I want to stay and see it ha-"

In the middle of her explanation, Ibuki was stopped by Izuru kissing her.

"I lied about that Airi thing, I-i needed something to get you off my back, the thing is, I- I-"

With his brain frying in hyper drive, he did something stupid.

"I LOVE YOU!" He shouted, with a thick engurishu accent thick.

"Eh..." Ibuki just stared at him. She was shocked by his confession, but the feeling of confusion mixed with cringe was much bigger.

"W-what I mean is- Oh god I never did this before, my hands are sweaty,a re my hands supposed to be this-?!"

Ibuki shock her head and pushed him into the ground, losing the blanket around her in the meanwhile.

"Shut up, you blockheaded asakusan..." She whispered, leaning down for another kiss, and then another, and then one more, even going as far to exchange his lips for his neck.

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