-Part 6

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"So you wanted me to use up that perfect guard I got earlier now so that I wouldn't have it for next turn, huh? Stereotypes aside, you know your stuff, Ban-san. Sucks that it came down to this, but I'm gonna have to beat you off the game now before your plans take their toll on my own plans." Ryuuga declared.

"Come." Ban replied replied.

"That's the spirit. Liberating the Generation Zone! Even in this turbulent world, we'll keep stepping forward! Even if we go down, we'll keep following our instincts and keep pushing into the future!"

Ryuuga reached up and clenched his fist. Vanguard circles began exploding in the sky, and descending towards him, each different than the one before.

"Now go into the far off future, and overcome all fears, even those unknown! Speed ahead and show me the future I truly desire!"

The final circle exploded and Ryuuga opened his arms. The circles shined in a bright red colour that blinded those around.


In the light, a silhouette appeared, and out of it came the evolution of Ryuuga's ace, the gear dragon clan in blue, with a red scarf around his neck.


"You're finally bringing out your ace in the hole, huh... Come and get some, Ryuuga! Ban'll kick your ass like you're the monkey who stole his banana!" Izuru yelled.

"When in doubt, drum your chest and smack him where it hurts!" Tate cheered.

"Your friends got spirit, but spirit isn't enough to win this one. I'll jump straight into battle! Boosted by Eight, Kalibum attacks! (18000>>26000)"

"Peyron guards! (32000)"

"What? A normal heal?" Ryuuga muttered, taking a step back.

"You gave me an idea when you went out of your way to explain why you were using Uluru, so I adapted our decks for it. Since we're still carrying out the Dark Iregs stuff, getting normal heals on Tate's deck was piss easy. As for me, I just had to pay someone a fat taser check." Ban smirked.

"You fucker, you stabbed me in the back!" The branch manager deadpanned, looking back at Masato.

"Correction, I tased you in the back."

"Dude... Kalibum's skill. I counterblast and bind him to spin Vortimer to the bottom of your deck." Ryuuga said, blasting the card away with a finger gun. "Then, I return Ribbul from my drop to my hand. Boosted by Gigi, Nextage attacks! (25000>>33000) Zodiac Time Blazer!"

"No guard!" Ban declared.

"Twin drive. (Steam Gunner, Zayd) (Steam Maiden, Uluru - Heal) Nice nice, heal trigger! I give the power to Smokegear and heal one. (20000>>30000)"

"Damage check! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core)"

"Nextage's skill! I'll discard Ribbul and Zayd to retire Nextage and superior ride Chronojet Dragon from the soul! (23000) Add 15k! (230000>>38000) And then, Force I! (38000>>48000) Ribbul's skill! I call her to the side and draw one! (8000>>23000) Ribbul attacks! (23000)"

"Flame of Victory, guard! (27000)"

"Chronojet Dragon attacks! Gigi's skill, I soulblast and retire her to draw one card and give Chronojet 5k! Then his skill, I counterblast to give him 5k and block out sentinels! (48000>>58000) Spiral Strike!"

'One more damage and I have to pass the torch to Tate. I need to keep a big hand for him, but if he gets his final sentinel here, then it's game for us! He's been running through his deck fast, but with three sentinels gone and only one returning to deck after I lose, we can end this next turn! He just has to not get it in this drive check!' Ban thought. "No guard!"

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