-Part 3

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With the first round of the Dark Zone Bout done, the time for the second round was at hand. But first, a pause for snacks and team conversation.

"These guys are as real of a deal as they come." Tate said, placing down his box of chocolate milk. "Even though I beat Gin-san, it was still through luck. If I didn't got that critical on my second turn, I would have lost by a deckout, and worse, if I didn't get that heal, I wouldn't even get a chance at ending it the turn after. If we have to rely on luck to beat them, then we're super screwed."

"To be fair, you were playing Reijy." Izuru deadpanned.

"Yeah, I think Reijy's the biggest problem here." Ban sighed.

"Shut up, I make Reijy look cool!"

"I don't think even Renji could make Reijy look cool, and all he talks about his damnation and how his girlfriend draws him piledriving Ryuuga!" The black haired exclaimed.

"I heard that!" Ryuuga called. "And as Maxios-san would put it, that's offensive!"

"Shut up, not my fault your sister in law is a yaoi artist!"

"Your family sounds lovely." Ban sweatdropped. "Hey Ryuuga-san, is it time for the second round yet?"

"Hm? Oh shit, right, that. Huh, yeah, let's begin the second round!"

"Freaking dumbass." Izuru, Kaido and Mayuri sighed.

"Shut up! ...whichever of you said that. Let's get back into the Vanguardriver testing!" Ryuuga clapped his hands. "Big PP Nation, send out your second member!"

"PP so big it even has a second one." Masato snickered.

"What are you, five?" Gin deadpanned. 

"Yeah, five inches deep in Kaido's mom."

"I will literally tase you in the dick. I still have the taser Emma stole from you!" Kaido exclaimed, taking out a white taser from his blazer.

"And the fact you haven't given it back says alot about the type of friend you are!"

"My expectations of my heroes... I can hear them crack and shatter..." Ban cried.

"Yup. Yuuup." Izuru nodded, giving his blonde friend a pat on the back. "I'll avenge your soul, my dearest blonde monkey."

Taking out his FiCa from his scarf, Izuru stepped forward, and with a big grin, he aimed the device at the four members of Hanabi and Mayuri.

"I'll be going on the second round! Come here and get ready to have your ass kicked and name taken!"

"I hate visual novel protagonists who think they're the shit for having a harem." Kaido scoffed, stepping forward with his FiCa at hand. "I'll beat you like I beat that momcon, you-"

"Ban, come replace me."

And Izuru was already out!

"DUDE, AGAIN?!" Ban and Tate yelled.

"I critted that guy before, I'll just do it again! How can we test these belts if I just end it in three turns?! What do I look like, pre-errata Riviere?!"

"That's a low blow, specially after Sakuya got you that job as a rental boyfriend." Gin shook his head. What a dick that Izuru was.

"Wait wha- YOU DID WHAT?!" Ryuuga asked.

"I was broke and I needed to complete my Raging deck, I'm not proud of what I did for that money!" Izuru exclaimed.


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