-Part 2: Ban vs Nobuhiko/Tiny Whisks

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So, back to whatever this copium driven special is supposed to be, the group changed locations to the rooftop of the schools. There was no dramatic or sentimental winds blowing by, this isn't Izuru vs Endo round 4... I hope. The weather was just fine.

On one side, you had the three Hitsuzen siblings glaring and growling at their opponents.

On the other, Ban was just sweating balls at the thought of putting the club budget at danger and getting his ass whooped by Aimi, Izuru was already on Asakusa blood mode at the thought of being humiliated in front of Ibuki, and Tate was still sad.

And then there was Ibuki.

Ibuki was just there.

"Let me go at him! I'm gonna shove his wooden sword up his ass!" Izuru yelled, trying to get Ban to hold him back.

"Jesus christ, if the budget goes haywire... Aimi's not just gonna kill me, she's gonna go all John Wick on me and kill my dogs!" Ban whimpered.

Wait. If she founds out, she's going all John Wick and kill dogs? Did I skip a page.

"Spain speko without the S..." Tate weeped.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you, you damn high schooler! Fuck going to jail, I'd rather go to the slammer for beating up a kid than not beat a kid!" Manjiro barked.

"Keh keh keh, give me the tiny whisks!" Nobuhiko cackled.

"I don't care which one I fight, I'll enjoy beating their asses altogether!" Mayumi grinned.

"Man... And here I thought Kiyo^4 trying to fight Junpei every week was stupid..." Ibuki sweatdropped.

"Hey, goth lady! Make the brackets!" The bartender demanded.

"Ah?! Don't drag me into this, I just want to go out with that dipshit!" She replied, looking at Izuru.

"No can do, Ibuki! This means more to me than you can imagine!" Izuru yelled out. "Intercourse is temporary, BEATING MANJIRO'S FACE IN A CHILDREN'S CARD GAME IS ETERNAL!"


Holy crap, he actually left Ibuki wordless.

"Lady, I'll pay you to let me beat up that blonde guy first! Five thousand yen!" Nobuhiko exclaimed, waving some money.

"S-sold... I'm gonna... I'm gonna go sit down..."

Izuru's dumbassary finally left Ibuki exhausted. She just sat down on a nearby bench and turned her brain off. Wise decision.

Anyway, Ban and Nobuhiko stepped up to the plate, each taking a side of that one fighting table that there's in the roof. You know, the one where Nobuhiko got whooped by Sonata with Shrek 2's soundtrack.

Good times.

"The club budget... The club budget... I won't allow you to hurt the club-!"

"I'm gonna beat your ass, you cuck!"


"He got owned by a kid..." Izuru muttered, holding back a laugh.

Tate just shrugged it off.

"Yeah! Cuck! You stopped my love confession to Yumi-san and then you began going out with her!"

"How do you know?!"

"The question you should be asking is how you keep thinking no one else has realized it yet." Manjiro pointed out.

"Seconded." Mayumi nodded.

"Third..." Ibuki waved.

"I had nothing to lose, my bravery was going to whisk the cake batter of her heart with the bravery of my tiny whisks, but you stopped her! You're a cuck!"

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