-Part 10

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Changed by his conversation with Ibuki on the hot springs, Izuru decided to try the whole semi-independent thing himself. Yu didn't oppose it in any way or shape, because Izuru having his own place meant he'd soon find a girl that he'd then marry, much like how it happened for Ryuuga, and as for Shouto, if it made Izuru and Yu happy, then he'd be happy.

So around the mid of the week after the hot springs day, Izuru got his very own apartment, thanks to some strings Shouto pulled with a friend of his, which then didn't matter alot because Ryuzaki bought the property to keep the tradition of giving Sawadas places to live during high school, which no one asked for but good real estate is good real estate.

Well, sort of.

Much like Ryuuga, Izuru ended up at one of those weird apartment complexes that are super small, some even smaller than actual houses, that you enter from the outside instead of the inside like in normal apartment buildings, and that had two floors, with three apartments in each floor.

It was also right next to a riverbank, which meant the view was pretty amazing, and it was close to a train station to boot, to it was the best place a student could ask for.

No one else lived there, so Izuru could choose any of the apartments, and ended up choosing the top right one, so that he could see the river from above whenever he woke up.

He basked in the sweet scent of freedom as he stood in the center of his small living room, which was attached to his small kitchen, and the two were attached to a small hallway that had the doors to his small bedroom and small bathroom. And yes, the entrance hall was also small.

But it was a good start for someone this young.

He only bought the essentials, those being a couch, a large television screen, a small table for the kitchen and some fuutons and blankets, for whenever the boys decided to stop by. From home, he brought his game consoles and some kitchen stuff that Yu had ready for whenever Izuru decided to live alone. Things like an oven and a fridge got provided by the landlord, a.k.a Ryuzaki. Except for the dishwasher. He had to wash everything with his own two hands.

Oh, and the furniture he bought with his own money? That was paid by the money he got from selling his old cards when he decided to use the deck Taira gave him. So no cards were left, and no money was good to be wasted on cards, so he was just super super run of the mill player who player online.

He only had two cards, and those only worked as luck charms.

"At last, a place of my own... This rocks!" Izuru exclaimed, punching the air out of excitment. "Sucks that Ryuzaki's my landlord, but it still rocks!"

Izuru sat down on his comfy couch, turned the television on, and got bored very quickly.

"Maybe this was a mistake... Maybe I could have bought some DP stuff, never know when they might print Daikaiser."

Have you seen the lore they gave to Zero? Yeah, keep dreaming.

"Hm... Hmmm... Hmmmmm. AH THIS SUCKS!!" He yelled. "Man, I'm hungry too... Wait, I have to make food for myself from here on out... THAT MEANS I HAVE TO GO BUY FOOD!"

He really skipped on that little detail. Reject nutrution, return to monkey.

But either way, Izuru grabbed his wallet and bolted out of the house and into the nearest supermarket, which was a good twenty minute walk away from it, for crying out loud. Maybe this location wasn't that good.

As he strolled the aisles of the supermarket, and did his best to avoid the soup aisle because buying canned soup would just defeat the purpose of cooking for himself, he bumped into someone. 

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