#4: The Purgatory of Endo Mitsuaki

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The sky darkened.

The winds blew ferociouly.

To access the rooftop of Heiwa, one had to go through one of two entrances, one located closest to the entrance and one that was the furthest from it. 

In front of the farthest entrance, Endo sat by himself, resting with his shoulders slumped, and with his eyes, with a strained glare, staring down on the dirt grey floor under his feet.

Endo let out a sigh and began getting up.

"For the sake of my fight..."

He moved forward, towards the fighting table at the very center of the space, and with each step he took, he looked back at the events of his life that lead him down this route, the route that lead him to make the only dream he ever had become true.

The route that lead him to purgatory.

Becoming the headmaster of Heiwa Academy.

The most distant memory of the path that lead him here happened in the same place as the most recent one: the rooftop of Heiwa.

The year was 2018, during the senior year of the student Mitsuaki in Heiwa Academy.

Even though the Royalty system wasn't a thing back then, if anyone would be considered the King of Heiwa, it would be Mitsuaki.

Grades unlike the rest of the student body, both class representative and student council president, not to mention the leader of the martial arts club and an above average player of the card game most people played at the time.

"Oi Maki-chan, wake up! We're gonna get late if your dumbass keeps dozing off during lunch break. Move it, I can't get to the store in time to buy that SP Balaurl if we get stuck back in detention or something because you slept too much!"

The bearer of those words was Mitsuaki's best friend and partner in both Vanguard and martial arts, a student known more for his raw physical skills than his grades, Risei.

"But we're gonna have math and that sucks... Reirei, we can just get there some small minutes late. How bad can that go?" Mitsuaki asked, taking a manga book he used to cover his face from the sunlight off his head. "C'mon, just this once? Pleaaaaaase?"

"That doesn't sound very council pres to me." Risei deadpanned. "Now move your ass, I need those SP Balaurls more than you need an extra minute of sleep!"

"Just play a better deck then!"

"Well excuse you, not all of us plebs can get a stride that just resets the hand by inhaling and exhaling some oxygen! And at least my starter is a cute animal and not some fugly space fetus!"


Soon, Mitsuaki was fully up and butting heads with his best friend over the argument of Neon Messiah being a space fetus and whatnot. Honestly, it's an overused joke, let the space fetus be a space fetus in peace.

"Neon Messiah is a cute and precious child, better than whatever furry shit you're running in your furry ass deck, Reirei! An entire extra set dedicated to your nation and you pick the furries?! Blue Ahsha and Gredora were there too and you pick the fat fucking panda, Reirei?!"

"That's alotta throat for someone who is still dying to Deleteor rush! I can go back to that deck if you wanna get your ass kicked seven ways to sunday, Maki-chan!"

G Era, how I miss you.

"Zuiije is broken dammit! Whoever thought starters with super good skills was a good idea is my biggest enemy!"

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن