-Part 2

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Tate's request to have his friends go meet him at the high school where he was for some ungodly reason lead the trio to a school too irrelevant to the story to be named. Even the guy who stole Risei's sign at the commands of the tiny whisk war crimimal is more likely to appear again than this school, and that's saying alot.

"So this is where Tate-kun wanted us to meet him...? Huh... I-interesting..." Chika sweatdropped, looking up at the school.

"Hm... I have the feeling I've seen this place before." Izuru pondered.

"Huh, sure, do your ominous line thingy, I'm going inside to drag that Natalia simp by his neck." Ban said as he cracked his knuckles.

"N-natalia simp?"

"Forget about it, senpai. It's not something that is for everyone." The black haired laughed as he pushed Ban into the school, and then scolded him through passive aggressive whispering. "You moron! Don't go talking about Russia-onee-san in front of senpai! She thinks we're depraved idiots already, we don't need to prove her case!"

"What did you wanted me to say then?! We ran out of funny slav bits two hours ago!"

You ran out of funny slav bits a volume ago, get better material.

"I- Mention Russia-onee-san again and I will be forced to use the ace up my sleeve!"

"Wha- You wouldn't dare!"

"I got nothing to lose, bitch!"

Yeah, that 'ace up his sleeve' was just the rest of jokes he made to tease Ban about the whole Yumi ordeal. The one time he stays up late to do something other than gacha games turned out to be this. 

But while they had their whole whispering argument, they also entered the school, and Chika caught the attention of a duo of delinquents that didn't even try to hide it. Hell, they were even lighting themselves a cigar without a care in the world. Seeing that triggered the many lessons Yukiko had taught Chika.

And no, not even the narrator knows why the delinquents were at school on a sunday.

"Oh, oh! I know what to do in this situation! Ryougi-san taught me all about it! We should beat those guys up and teach them how to be better people!!" Chika exclaimed, just outright pointing at the two dudes without a care in the world.

The delinquent pair looked up at Chika with their poor attempts at a menacing face and spoke the language of the gods.

"Eh?! Who is ye tryin' to beat up, big tiddies?" Delinquent A scoffed.

"Ah? You don' wanna try to catch deez hands, cowtits!" Delinquent B scoffed too. 

God, Heiwa Revengers is amazing.

But then, right out of nowhere, the two idiots shivered and bowed before Chika and Ban immediately. They even began talking how their parents taught them to.

"W-we're so sorry! We didn't notice you there!!"

"Y-yeah!! It's good to see you again!"

And that's when Chika and Ban's dellusional confidances showed their ugly sides. The two began chuckling like the filthy rich people they were, with smugs on their face.

"Oho? So you already knew what to do? Oh my, maybe you savages are truly better than I expected." Chika laughed, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. A true noble lady move.

"An aura just pours out, even when you try to hide it." Ban laughed and did the same. "Some times it's truly painful to be too strong for the world to nerf."

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora