-Part 2

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Since Raijin vetto'd their idea of using the Vanguardrivers inside the diner, the gang moved to another location, a park near the coast, where a guy seeking the true man's world beat up his brother some years ago. That's right, this narrator still remembers Tenma!

"Unlike Chabashira-san and her massive mommy milkers, I'm actually a good teacher, so I will educate you on this new Domain function through a fight instead of giving some three line long explanation. And people say I suck as a mentor." Ryuzaki laughed loudly.

"Christmas is almost here, Ryuuga, don't ruin the holidays for the old man..." Ryuuga sighed.

"You can rant about him at the office. We still gotta prepare the Christmas events for our branches." Taira said, giving Ryuuga a pat on the back.

"We gotta what?! Ow, stupid Maxios and his stupid Christmas events! One day, I'll humilate that guy on the place he feels the most confidant on!"

Hold your horsepower Ryuuga, the Initial V special isn't here yet.

"I honestly can't tell if I should feel sorry for you or for Maxios. Someone's gonna get his ass kicked by Homura, and I'm here to make it go viral." Izuru sighed, placing his Revengerise in front of his waist. The belt portion came out from the sides and tied around his waist. "Oh, automatic? Das very auto."

"Demons Revengeriser."

"That isn't very das auto."

"Oi oi, don't compare my life changing tech to some bad car making compa- I SHOULD MAKE CARDFIGHTING CARS!" Ryuzaki yelled out.

"NO!" The branch managers yelled back.

"Aww... First Payic says I can't use the Vanguardriver to make a superdemocracy, then she says I can't buy the country again to do it, now I can't even make card games of motor vehicles! What's the point of being rich then?! Gacha?!"

"Yes." Izuru replied.

"Life hasn't been the same since we took that family trip to Grabahan..." Ryuzaki sighed and put on his personal Vanguardriver. Inside of having a FiCa that went into a thing, it just had a straight up handhold console looking devide attached to the front. 

"Ryuzaki Touch."

"T-that's the name of your driver?! Don't you have anyone else working on the naming department?!"

"Shut up, Izuru! My Ryuzaki Touch is great! Now watch this!"

Ryuzaki removed the console part of his driver from the belt, and by entering a special card into it, some symbols appeared on the screen. He began presisng them all, in order of release.

"Cray's Collapse, Thunderous Rebellion, Shadow, Z World, Team C4, Spiral Terra, Spiral Soul, Generations, Silence, Heiwa, The Guidebook! Ryuzaki, Complete Stand Up!"

With a grin, Ryuzaki placed the console back on his belt.

"Stand up."

"...go out with your brother, she said... It'll guilt trip him to give you Christmas, money she said..." Izuru sighed and forced his FiCa open.


"Stand up!" Izuru called out, shoving his FiCa into the driver.

Oh yeah, nothing happened.

"Oh, right, I forgot to say- You get it working by pulling the handle from the left to the right. Like a lever, you know?"

"The sword handle is just a lever then? Man, I got done dirty..."

Izuru groaned and pulled the handle from a side to the other, exactly like a lever. But, once the handle reached the other side, a small clicking sound came out of it, and it detached from the rest of the driver.

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Heiwa - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now