-Part 5

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Now with his so called ''Raging Goal'' in mind, Izuru planned out the fastest way to buy the cards he needed for his deck, and some spare ones in case his brain thought that taking his cards off their sleeves near a body of water was a good idea again.

It all would come down to sunday, where after a week of the usual Heiwa life, this time featuring Kasumi still not being at the library and visiting Kagekiyo at the Royalty room to avenge his miserable defeat (which went as good as you'd expect from a guy with basically brain damage and a deck he isn't trying to learn), Izuru left the house early in the morning and head out for Ikebukuro.

But, unknown to him, Ibuki followed suite, using a hat and mask to hide herself from him.

It was now around ten in the morning, and Ibuki hid behind a bush at the Ikebukuro Global Ring, watching as Izuru sat down by himself and waited.

For some reason, he was actually trying to look nice for once. His topknot looked flawless, and instead of putting on a white shirt and shorts and call it the ''Moist Style'', he went out of his way to dress like a proper man, with a slick black blazer and dope scarf. He didn't even put this much effort when he out with Chika last volume.

"What the hell are you up to, you dickhead?" Ibuki whispered, moving some branches out of the way to get a better look.

"Huh... I-ibuki-san...?"


Ibuki screeched and look back at the person who recognized her, but felt a sense of relief when she saw it was, ironically enough, Chika, carrying heavy bags with toku goods on them. 

"It's just you, Chika-chan... Wait, get down!" Ibuki commanded, pulling Chika to her knees.

"E-eh?! W-what's happening?!" Chika whispered, slightly blushing.

"That shitface is up to something, I can feel it in my gut!" The white haired exclaimed. It was actually the spicy mapo tofu they got from Risei's place last night.

"Eh? M-miyuki-kun? What do you mean?"

"He told me he was gonna spend the day working to buy a new deck, and look at him! He's just sitting there, looking like he's trying to get a girlfriend or something!"


"Oh, right, harem thing, I forgot." Ibuki deadpanned. "Wait, someone's approaching him!"

And indeed there was, and much to Chika's dismay, it was a girl. A very cute one at that. She had a beautiful, long, silver hair, and above that, she was wearing one of Izuru's favourite things.

Thigh highs.

"EEEEEEEEEEEH?!" Chika cried.

"Shhhhhhh, we're in earshot, we can listen to them!" Ibuki whispered, covering Chika's mouth.

"Excuse me... Are you Takanori Izuru-kun?" The girl asked.

"Hm? Yes, that's me!" Izuru smiled and got up. "You must be Komamura Mayumi-san, I guess?"

"Yes." The girl, Mayumi, nodded. "I look forward to today!" She smiled.

"Me too!"

To put the final nail in Chika's coffin, Izuru offered Mayumi his hand, and to piledrive that nail through the coffin and to the world's core with a jackhammer, she happily accepted it and started holding his hand.


That was the straw that broke the camel's back, and Chika fell onto Ibuki.

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