Chapter 57

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I was dragged away into a strange room. Foxy tried to run after me, but he couldn't catch up before the door locked.

I was tied up in old curtain and shoved into a corner. I saw a familiar face lurking over me.

"Hello Mike. It's good to see you."

"Chica, what are you doing? Let me go."

"Why? I just want to spend a little time with my buddy. You know, catch up, maybe have a few drinks."

The menace in front of me knelt down by my side.

"Get away from me."

Foxy kept banging on the door.

"Come on Mikey. We can eat some pizza together. Now, come on. Let's eat."

"What game are you playing?"

"Well, maybe I have one little thing that I want."

The animatronic stood up and faced me.

"I want freedom. And I figured out how to get it. I just want to get out of this suit. I just need another soul to replace mine. And you are the perfect one."

The door burst open. I expected to see Foxy come in, but instead the plastic Chica stood, holding her cupcake menacingly.

"What are you doing here?" Chica asked.

"I told you to stop. You shouldn't take away people's lives for your own sake."

"Why shouldn't I? That's what happened to me."

"But this isn't the answer."

Foxy finally came into the room with Mangle.

"Chica, why are you doing this? Bonnie is the one who wanted to kill Maddie."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I didn't help him. He discovered that there was a way to get out of his suit, and he told me. We tried to kill Maddie so that we could possess her body, but it didn't work. So, when we found out about Maddie being put in the suit, we didn't want her to get trapped like we did. So, we tried to get her soul out of the suit, but apparently, it didn't work. And now, we know how to truly gain our freedom. And we won't stop until we get it."

Chica went closer to Mike with what looked like a kitchen knife in her hand. I tried to jump at her, but Toy Chica stopped me.

"What are you doing? Why are you helping her?"

"I don't know. Chica's controlling me. I'm sorry."

I turned my head to Mangle. I silently begged her to save Mike.

She slowly walked up to Chica. Mangle raised up her hook that she had placed on her arm.

I assumed that she would try to kill Chica. Then, she turned to Mike.

With an evil smile, she swung her hook down.

Hey guys, once again, let me apologize for the lack of updates. I have been pretty busy lately, and I don't want to update much before fnaf 3 comes out. You know, just in case I need a major plotline change. Which I don't want. I actually have pretty good ideas, but I don't want to use them yet just in case. Thanks for understanding, and stay fabulous. Bye <3

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