Chapter 96

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Unknown: Hope you had a great weekend at the lakes, I'm sure you must have loved the quiet. Happy First Anniversary, by the way <3 or should I say Happy Fake Anniversary?

It was mystifying to the both of us why there was an unsinkable feeling of woe and sorrow when it was time to go home instead of the excitement that should have been there. Leaving was surprisingly hard, considering that we'd only been in this place for two days and had already grown so attached that we couldn't go back to the one place we should feel happy to go back to - home.

Well, actually I'll be honest - it was obvious that I would feel rather dejected the morning that we needed to leave but I was astonished to see that even Harry had felt the same amount of remorse, wishing that we could have just stayed for longer. I knew that he liked places like this but it was never somewhere that he'd feel upset about leaving, particularly if we were going back to the city. Yet he'd surprised me when I could see that he was quite upset about leaving too.

In fact, he'd even surprised himself as when we were driving back home, he'd turned to me in the passenger seat and expressed his confusion.

"You'd expect that this wouldn't bother me this much - leaving the district - seeing that I love London but it's expecting me more than I'd like to admit." Harry had laughed softly as he looked over at me, though I could only avert my attention to him for a millisecond, needing to focus my attention on the road ahead of us. "You've changed me a lot, J."

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to." I retorted as a joke, a roll of my eyes that made him laugh.

"Do you think we're still in our honeymoon phase?" He'd asked out of curiosity.

"Despite not going on one?" I'd cocked an eyebrow, although he was obviously aware that I was merely joking since I honestly didn't care about it at all. "Yeah, I think we still are. Though, I'd say our honeymoon phase probably started only about six months ago because before that neither of us really cared too much - we'd just treated each other like acquaintances until we became good friends and then we're here now."

"That's true." He'd nodded, thinking about the words I'd said. "Going back to it though, I honestly never thought I would have actually liked this place enough to not want to leave. I always like these places just to visit as a tourist and see the place's history but then I need that hectic lifestyle again - to have everything close to me."

"I think we fell in love with the feeling of having our own world for a few days." I'd said earnestly as he turned, smiling with a nod as he clearly agreed.

It was true and we both knew it. For the two days that we were there, we could walk around completely void of any kind of stress. Harry had no fear of having paparazzi come in and ruin our time - of course, unless they knew Harry was there - and I had no fear of being followed - even though I was well aware that it was easily possible they were there. The two of us enjoyed having no boundaries. It almost felt like our own world was as limitless as the one we were walking through, with the meadows and lands going on for endless miles away. But most importantly, he didn't have to act as 'Harry Styles' and I as 'Harry Styles' wife' but we were just two ordinary humans, just like anyone else that was there.

The peace that it brought was the thing we were the most grateful for because over time, especially Harry, had grown tired of a lifestyle with the most hectic schedule. It was just amazing to feel as light as a feather from our feet to our minds that were free of any thoughts that held us down, prior to the holiday.

"I think I fell in love with the feeling I got seeing you so happy and carefree." He'd replied after a while, just as I changed lanes. It got my attention instantly as I hadn't expected him to say that at all but I'd be lying if it wasn't the reason why I'd worn the widest smile on my face, the warmest feelings of happiness around me. "If I got to make you that happy forever, that's when I'd know that I was a good husband. That's when I'd be the happiest person ever."

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