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So this is the poem that Jasmine wrote for Harry in the previous chapter if you wanted to read it!

So this is the poem that Jasmine wrote for Harry in the previous chapter if you wanted to read it!

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16th Oct. 2011 - Age 17

Fear is a thing to be afraid of

And yet fear seems like a better choice than giving in

To fear seems better than to love

To fear seems better than to give

To fear seems better than to trust

And to fear seems better than to take what's your's

And though I can't quite distinguish whether it's anxiety or fear

I know that the two share a fine line of similarities between them

Fear rips you away

And throws each part of you

To each of your demon

And those that aren't monsters

It makes you smile at them

Of course, because you can't have them see through the facade

The facade that shows happiness and calmness as your lifestyle

Covering up the stress and fear that eats you up

The facade that covers your numbness

The facade that even you believe

For if you have false happiness, it's better than none.

Through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad

It sticks with you.

And it attacks when you're on you're on your own.

When you're out at sea, the storms causes your ship to get stuck

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