𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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We join the other call and everyone actually quiets down which is very odd for this server because no one is ever quiet. I hear someone is playing the piano and I assume it is Fundy because he is good at it. Tubbo and Tommy run ahead of us, throwing different kinds of flowers around the aisle and I assume that they took the flowers from the bee building which would have to be replanted later on.

I see everyone watching Phil and I's character walking down the hall of the purple and white building. The building had been changed and it actually looked like a wedding was happening which was rather impressive.

As I reach the end, Phil leaves my side and goes to take a seat in the front row. As I walk up the few stairs to Karl's character which is dressed in a tuxedo, I go into F5 and see that everyone's characters are looking to the two of us and Will who is being pastor.

"Friends, families, furries." Will looks around the room that we are all standing in as Karl and I both look at each other couching happily. "We are gathered here today in Church Prime, to unite these two in holy matrimony." He says, his voice calm as everyone watches in silence. "Their discussion to marry has not been done through impulse but rather through dedication and a long built connection." I grin because this was actually a really impulsive wedding but I mean still. "So today, they will be publicly declaring their private dedication to each other amongst the company of their closest friends. They will, today, accept each other until death do them part." Will continues and I nod, seeing my chat fly by. "Do you, Karl, take River to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to be her lawfully wedded husband, promising to love and cherish her through joy and sorrow, through sickness and health and whatever challenges you may face for as long as you both shall live?" He asks and Karl looks at me.

"I do." Karl says and I smile happily as my chat goes on, cheering happily about our marriage.

"And do you River," The attention turns to me. "Take Karl to be your lawfully wedded husband and to be his partner and to share a path in life with equal love, embraced as a mirror of your true self and promising to honor and cherish through good times and bad, until death do you part?"

"I do." I say lightly with a grin. I can see that literally everyone in my chat is going insane and I can only imagine what everyone else's looks like.

"Can we have the rings brought to the front please?" Will asks when he realizes we don't have either of them.

"Sorry," Tubbo apologizes as he brings them to us in the front of the room. "Here." He says and I smile, crouching as I look at Karl and he does the same.

"Is this where we do the vows?" Karl whispers.

"Yeah, I think." I whisper back quietly.

"Oh ok then." He replies and I can practically see the smile on his face as we both try to keep ourselves from laughing at this all.

"Karl, if you may please give the diamond to River and exchange your vows." Will says, acting all serious and Karl passes the diamond to me. It's labeled 'wedding ring from Karl'.

"River," He clears his through and pauses. "I have no idea what I'm doing." He whispers and we both try to keep from laughing again.

"You got this!" I cheer him on, still whispering.

"River," He says after a minute of thinking. "Ever since you have joined the server I have thought you were a pretty cool person. I was like wow, how cool, and then we built a house together so I thought you were an even cooler person. So yeah, I pledge to honor, love and play Minecraft with you for the rest of our days." Karl says sweetly and I can't help but smile because he is really nice and I see that my chat is going by too fast to even recognize what any of them are saying.

"Wow, you are so sweet." I say with a big smile before making my character look over at Will's. "My turn right?" I ask because I don't really know what is going on and Will makes his character nod so I pass my diamond to Karl and it is labeled 'wedding ring from River'. "Ok, Karl, like you said. I have found you really poggers since the day we met and made a really cool house on livestream, at twitch dot tv slash River love no space," I advertise my twitch and hear people throughout the call groan but also laugh at the same time but I continue on with my speech. "And you are one of my best friends so I promise to always play Minecraft with you and love you forever because we are going to married in Minecraft!" I cheer happily because after this we had talked about building a really nice house together and we were going to live in it for a little bit and it was going to be really cool.

"We are going to be married in Minecraft!" Karl copies what I had said happily and we both crouch looking at each other, holding the diamonds in our hands.

"Before we can continue," Will says calmly and we both look over at him as he puts the book he had been reading out of a few seconds ago back into his inventory. "Is there anyone in this church right now who has any reason why these two shall not be wed?" Will asks and there is a second of silence.

"I object," A few voices ring out through the call at the same time and I raise my eyebrows, turning my character to see who said they don't want me and Karl to get married.

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