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Mornings don't always look pleasant but the moment her eyes opened and take in the sight of the beaming sun directly facing her bed, she knew it was going to be a great day. She yawned, her hands moving above her head and the most lucent smile to ever exist took over her face, she couldn't help it. Her eyes close on their own, letting the sun bathe her face with it's soft caress, humming her to go back to sleep. She's always loved nature but what destiny threw her way, she didn't have time to bathe in it all the time.

Fatima Musa Babagana known as Eff-emm-bee or Maah stood up from her bed and stare at herself in the mirror like she does everyday. There is no day that passes by without her checking out what she has gained or lost from her body. It looks like she has lost a little weight, that is alright since she is starved herself the whole last week because her daddy is back home and whenever he is home, she never eats or stay home but she did this week.

She sighed, that is not the story she wants to dive into just now. She is already late for college but has she ever cared about that? It's not like they can expel her from the school or suspend her, they can say goodbye to their school if that happens. She hates how influential she is or more clearly, how her father is, she wanted them to send her away from the school so she can do everything she wants. She has no friends other than her minions in school, it makes her life lonely.

A huff escaped her lips before she made her way to her bathroom to take another relaxing bath. She pampers her body like she does at spa or do something even the ones in spa don't get because she has the money to do so. In more beautified words, her father spits out money which makes life easy for her. She does not have to ask for anything, it is served in a golden platter always. Except for things he caused himself. For the aches, the pain he has drilled with his hands inside of her, that is what his money couldn't quench.

Her delicate recently manicured fingers unweave through the hangers in her walk-in closet for new outfit. She is three hours late to school but it doesn't mean she would hurry to reach there, it's not like she pays attention anyway. She only makes herself present in classes when there is nothing for her to do but as long as she has a new toy, she makes sure to play with it to her hearts content. A sinister smile take over her face at the thought of getting a rag doll to use for the day. Her neck cracked to the side, emphasizing how this soul will suffer in her hands.

Her hand settled on a flamingo Susen shirt she recently bought online and never wore it then a rasin slacks she wore last year for a birthday party. She changed into them, slipped her new Louboutin stilettos, took a waist belt bag and left the room for some breakfast. She heard the sounds of the other three people living in the house with her, hiss unknowingly slip out from her lips as she changed her way to avoid unnecessary interactions. Her breakfast is in the kitchen, she ate her thing in silence, trying to shield herself away from the excited squeals coming from inside the house.

Why is the large house echoing so much nuisance? She grumbled in distaste, she don't want to use her energy for anything scanty and useless and to her, her stepmother and step siblings are sleazier than the dustbin in her school.

Gulping down the last sip of her creamy coffee, she left the house in a rush only to meet her driver sleeping. Her teeth gnashed in annoyance, he had three hours to sleep but he wants to do that now? The rage from inside cloud her mind and she use the heel of her shoe to match his feet. He is the at the end of her wrath today, poor old man.

The middle aged man shrilled in pain and surprise, standing away from the chair he is sleeping on beside the well polished pink 2020 Toyota Hilander awaiting her presence for more than three hours. He didn't know when sleep took over him, he was waiting for two hours and now, he has caused trouble for himself. He gulped, his eyes casted down to the floor to avoid another backlash from this young lady. He always manage to stay away from her, drive her to and fro without saying a word so she won't notice him. Clearly, this is not his day.

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