Sixty Five.

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Comment on every chapter o or we're done for the day😂🤌🏿 and ehen, I don't reply ba? I read them though and I'm not replying because I need to write and the minute I result to replying each one, I won't write again❤️ so till I'm done, have me like this. I love you guys though, a lot wlh❤️❤️❤️ another shock awaiting you... don't skip, yes you😂


Faiz watched his wife hastily yanking down her new maxi dress before shaking his head to go help her or she rips it and then sit down and cry and then she will be late for her runway and then all hell will break loose. Adjusting the crimson maxi dress featuring a wedding band neckline, leg of mutton sleeves and sable leather belt tied in a bow at her midriff. His wife's love for red makes them look like people that recently joined cult, pun intended.

He smiled when she breathed a sigh of relieve at the sight of her arms sliding gently out of the hole at the end of the sleeve. She would've ripped it no doubt with such hurry and haste, she's always been like that. She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek then scrambled to her shoes lying on the floor due to lack of shoe rack and they are not that much. It makes him wonder how she is coping with such low key life filled with poverty and penury. He's never asked her about it since she is busy with upcoming launch for a renowned brand and she seem to be enjoying her work a lot as it promises a good pay.

They got married few days ago rebelling from her father's idea of her marrying her cousin who is working in a great company in Spain, he wants them rich and Faiz is nowhere near rich. He's grown up in an orphanage before earning a scholarship to police academy when he came of age and applied for it. It was tough since he was a nobody and have no money, penniless. He did go through it with the help of a few friends that went their separate ways as soon as they finished. He hasn't been in contact with any of them since he finished too and got a job.

It was not easy though. He's been climbing up to the position of assistant commissioner of police because of Nayla's father who wanted him to stop seeing his daughter and concentrate on his job but Faiz couldn't do that. He loves her so much, he cannot abandon her for a higher rank, he wants to work and earn that with Nayla beside him. And now that he's gotten married to her, her father made sure he was dismissed few days ago and he couldn't do anything about it. It will not work when such man with myriad connections is concerned.

They met during a concert, they were there to guard the celebrities when she spilled wine all over her outfit and he was asked to go see that she is cleaned in one of the bathroom stalls. Her father was about to scold her when he stepped forward with a professional curt nod and whisk her away by trudging her forward to start walking or get embarrassed in front of those rich folks by her father. She understood that and rushed out of the hall to go clean up.

"Thanks. I hate when he does that in front of people. In the confines of our home, I don't care since I got used to it but outside, it makes me want to strangle him. He likes showing his power over his family outside but that doesn't make him superior or anything. He is such a tyrant. My mom is one heck of a hero for staying with him for thirty or more years. Yuck, I hope to never marry someone like my father. Over my dead body. Oh Allah, this is my only wish for future." She rambled on and on as she made her way to the bathroom, her slippers noiseless on the red carpet.

Faiz listened soundless in stunned astonishment. He's never been in the presence of a lady who talks endlessly without stopping to see whether the person she's talking to is listening to her or not. She fascinated him. All of a sudden, he wants to whisk her away somewhere and just hold her in his arms not accompany her to the bathroom stall. Wishful thinking, he shook his head and continue to follow her down the hallway to the bright corridor filled with doors.

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