Thirty Six.

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Dr. Mujida got dressed in her smart plain straight sable pants and ivory button down shirt then cover herself up with knee length white lab coat. She snuggled her feet into comfortable loafers, took her doctors nude bag and left her home. She is bent on making those two headstrong amateurs save themselves from a tragic situation. They might not get what she is doing now but they will in the future, most especially Fatima.

Ahmad thinks it won't affect him if anything happens to Fatima but the guilt and conscience will never dematerialize no matter how he would like to think otherwise. He is going to blame himself for the entire thing and then it'll be too late for them both. There is no affection or anything relatively close to friendship between them but she is not after that, she's after getting Fatima's health in check. Their love and marriage life doesn't matter to her, her patient is her top priority. The main purpose of the marriage is to cure her so why the heck are they married if they won't go through it and get over with?

Ahmad sent her the address to his home, she is not about to waste more of her time with unnecessary talks. She demanded that the both of them should be at home when she arrives and Fatima reluctantly agreed after asking her to stop by and get her shawarma alongside ice cream. Dr. Mujida had laughed when she told her she cannot cook and the monster in the house only cooks for himself.

"You think he is good hearted don't you? His heart is as dark as darkness, devil will give him space." She'd gritted her teeth, her eyes fixed on Ahmad beating egg in a bowl fat inside the kitchen while she sat on the dining table with her stomach grumbling terribly.

"Oh, come on. He cannot be too bad except if you provoke him and knowing you, you've done that more times than I could count." Dr. Mujida had jeered, trying to be the friend Fatima hardly have except for Betsy but well, good friends are never too much.

"I don't fucking understand why everyone thinks he is some high and mighty eminent man because he came from America and is a well ranked officer. He is manipulative, wicked, a gold digger and so many other things I don't have time listing." She fumed, small matters about him makes her skin crawl and face hot with surfeit fury.

Dr. Mujida felt the change of mood in her tone but she was having far too much fun to let the matter drop. "We both know he is the nicest person you've ever met but just not moved by your mischiefs. That's why you guys made the perfect pair, different set of people from far separate worlds."

Fatima had scowled on the other end of the phone, smelling the egg in the air but not able to eat and her stomach growling with more hunger than she's ever felt her entire life. "He is currently making his own breakfast and knows I'm hungry but didn't offer me any. Care to explain how nice and kind he is? If you know how much I'm going through because of this man, you'd pity me and whisk me away from here. He is a selfish bastard that thinks of nothing but his gain, nothing else and no one is his center of attention."

Ahmad had then walked out of the kitchen with a large rectangular tray ladened with a plate of well fried Spanish egg, large mug of coffee, toasted bread and sausages. He walked past her, the aroma of the combination making it hard for her to not swallow thick gob of saliva. She had to hold her stomach tight until he passed so it won't betray her and make a sound that will make him turn to look at her like a charity course. When he's successfully walked away from her and to the living room, she took the phone and listen to what the doctor had been saying in her stupor of hunger.

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