Sixty Nine.

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Still standing on the stage, Fatima faced Ahmad and hugged him because she is about to fall, her knees are wobbly. Ahmad steadied her, watching the crowd below them settling down with murmurs. Eyes watching them keenly some with awe while others in confusion as if they can't believe what they are seeing in front of them, they best better believe.

"It's time for my surprise." He murmured in her ears and she lift her head from his chest. Is that why he didn't escort her down the stage instead of holding her in front of all these people?

She gave a perplexed smile thinking he was going to talk and address the people in front of them then confess his love for her but then he point up at the sky where everyone's attention went to at the sound of three choppers hovering above them. Fatima blinked at Ahmad seeing the choppers coming down slowly but then stopped many inches before they could reach people's heads but just low enough that they could hear the sound of it and the fan sending artificial breeze.

The first chopper then release a white banner that spread out wide for everyone to see what is written. "Congratulations!" In pink glitters that illuminate and brighten some more with the help of sunlight. Fatima beamed at that then watch as the second chopper stopped right where the other one did and release it's own banner in same everything but "we are proud of you" is written on this one. Her smile is making her face ache, she's been doing a lot of that lately especially today, she could feel her facial muscles begging to relax. They are not used to so much work she is pouring on them ruthlessly that comes with her happiness.

The last one flashed in another font reading "I love you, my wife" and then chorus of aww took over the whole field, Fatima leaned closer to Ahmad with her palm closing her mouth. Her eyes brimmed with yet new set of tears but she held them back with a hard gulp, she won't agree to such thing, she won't cry. Ahmad whispered the words again directly in her ear, Fatima would've melted right there in a puddle had she been anything but human. So much emotions at the same time, she's clueless about which one to sort out.

And then there are fireworks. Her head throbbed and she whispered to him. "Take me out of here before I fall off." She's clinging onto him, not standing with her own strength but she is talking about falling. Confetti followed them at their wake and she gave a perplexed smile at Ahmad, he went overboard to please her and damn right, she is pleased. Her words are choked behind her throat, nothing could get them out but her actions and they are far away from their bed and home, she would've shown him just how much he's made her day.

What would Fatima have done without Ahmad in her life?

As they walk down the stage, swarm of people came forward to congratulate them both but immediately police officers were keeping them at bay while giving them an aperture to leave the field as soon as possible before the media arrive but that didn't happen since the media are already standing by his car talking about God knows what. He knew that Fatima herself is tired of all the attention they are getting, she's no more interested but these people won't leave that easily, not after the rapid bombs they've let out and bursted their brains.

"Mrs. Fatima, how do you feel now that you've uncovered your secret?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Al-hafiz, when did you both got married?"

Fatima's head throbbed some more with more question, she is seconds away from glaring at them and telling them to leave her sight. They should thank God Ahmad is still holding her, she could feel her madness rising slowly but surely. One wrong move and they won't ever want to praise her name again, she hates nonsense. They can clearly see that Fatima is not feeling well but that didn't falter their move, they want them to talk and entertain them. For what reason?

WHATEVER, POLICE OFFICER Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum