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Two geriatrics in their sumptuous getzner sat idly in a house office, going over family details and problems they are facing. Decanters of the most expensive wines present in the country is right there in front of them along with crystal glass cups. Two maids stood -mutely like dumb statues- aside to fill in the cups the minute they get low. They are deaf ears to what the men are talking about, as their job requires.

"It's a shame to my family too. He got married without telling anyone of us and then aborted his own baby all the while assaulting his wife! This is the highest of stupidity!" Yakubu Dikko bursted out again for the second time since the news reached him earlier that afternoon.

Musa Babagana didn't like it at all. He set up the urgent meeting with Yakubu Dikko albeit having much to do.

He found out about what Usman Yakubu Dikko did before he even arrive at the man's mansion. He couldn't turn back around when the news arrived right as the huge monitored gates recognized his cars and opened themselves. His plans are foiled and he needs to go back home to get more things charted down before the sun sets tomorrow. It is a vow he is not about to break for anyone.

Musa Babagana was sure the older man wouldn't have told him what is happening in the family had it been he is not influential enough and knew he would know about it way before he does. Things like that just don't get out of the household for no reason. All the riches won't kill down rumors, hence, they try their best to keep it minimum and immobile. This won't be though! Not when a woman is involved and the man is accused of assault and aborting.

Yakubu Dikko grew up in the lavishness of wealth. Right from his forefathers, they've never had any problem when it comes to wealth. Old money, what other people call it nowadays. Their root came from money. But even with all that, he could never come close to what Musa Babagana achieved by himself. Shipping company never worked greater for anyone in the world like it did for Musa Babagana.

Yakubu Dikko in his mid sixties is a man rolling down to the end of life. His face is sagged but the handsomeness of him when he was younger is still very much clear, something all his sons manage to take over. Married to three beautiful wives, eleven children and five grandchildren, Yakubu Dikko is said to be a family man and that is not a lie. Except that his last son didn't bother taking over anything from the family except wealth and looks.

"That is something I never would've expected from Usman." Musa Babagana chirped in. All he wants to do now is leave the office and go in search of the next groom in his list. He never is one to work with plan A only, the B is always right behind it.

What is more difficult about finding a groom is expectations. He wants someone who could cherish Fatima the way he never did, he doesn't want her to be more broken than she is. He won't be able to love her, that is a fact he's embraced long before but what about someone else doing so? Only that men nowadays or the whole generation is tumbling to precipice and you never know which one to pick at. Most will marry her for the wealth of her father, he cannot have that.

He is going through the expensive circle around him but then he found out something, he couldn't get anyone because they are all spoiled. If he gets a wealthy one, his eyes won't be too much on his riches but there ain't good ones remaining. And if he snag poor or average, one might kill his daughter for the sake of what he is seeing upfront. It is the truth of life and he's seen it happen time without number. Someone went to great lengths of kidnapping his wife for money.

He's got a backup plan, he hopes it works out for the best though.

After a few more words and chiding, Musa Babagana stood up and left his old friend. If this plan has failed, he is going to use more ways to get an even better plan. His eyes have been skipping through some things around him and it's time to make judgment of it himself.

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