Fifty One.

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NOW YOU CAN STOP GUESSING AND READ WHAT HAPPENED, HIS PAST😌 I know I'm the nicest person out there but you should comment ooooo


"His condition is stable, the bullet didn't touch any vital organ but he's lost so much blood. Is there O negative here? We need blood as soon as possible." The doctor explained to them and saw how their postures relaxed after he's said the patient's condition is stable. One look at them and he knew they are from affluent family and wouldn't have taken bad news lightly.

Adda mama cleared her throat before her eyes settled on Raheeb who nodded his eyes in silent agreement. He is O negative too and that's the safest blood to give anyone. He went with the doctor after reassuring them that they can sit and wait for his return. He felt less pressurized when he saw the composed expressions on both their faces, he thought he'd have to handle them differently but they've surprised him. He smile, he is surrounded by strong women and headstrong half brother that's fight his way through bullet.

They sat down quietly and waited for Raheeb to come back. Fatima is in the middle, her hands bunched underneath her bosom as she stared at the white tiled floor with a frown. The doctor didn't let out much information and that is better because she is not sure whether she could handle any bad news. Ahmad won't die and that is all that matters for now, everything can come later. She is not yet done with him, there are a lot he needs to endure before he gets the right to leave her alone in the world.

Betsy closed her eyes tightly to wake up from this nightmare. How could her crush be Fatima's cousin? And why does he look more than fucking handsome in reality than those awful pictures he tend to snap with his nose and mouth taking the whole camera? Why does he have to be so tall with luscious hair and fine ass brown eyes that shone like diamonds placed in brown velvet? Betsy tightened her lips and pressed her fingers on her forehead to stop the growing migraine from taking over. Too much has already happened and the day is not about to end until several more hours.

So much has been revealed today that one more shocking news she will collapse at it's heaviness. She leaned her head on the frost wall behind the waiting chair they are sitting, she is done for. There is no impressing anymore because she cannot push herself into these affluent family, she cannot deal with their snottiness. She's dealt with Fatima but anymore than that will make her brain boil and his mother, god! That woman will rot both Raheeb and her if she found out something is happening between them so Betsy is not going to try anything now. She will search for her next prey.

A soft murmur from the end of their table shut down her own thoughts as she listened to Adda mama asking Fatima whether she wants to know what's happened in her past and how Ahmad is her oldest son. Fatima's face was stout and for a second there Betsy thought the betrayal will take over Fatima's curiosity when she didn't react but then a nod came from her which didn't escape Adda mama's sharp eyes. A long sigh is what she took before her hoarse voice enlarged a little to start her story thirty years ago.

"I went to Georgia to study years ago. I was just seventeen when Musa decided that I shouldn't study in Nigeria and go abroad to chase my dream of becoming a jewelry designer. Everything as going great until the night we went to celebrate my birthday with my two friends there, Jane and Iman. I met Hakim Al-hafiz at the same restaurant eating out with his few friends. Both my friends are the wild and daring type just like me so we approached them and sat on their table. Such a bold move from three small girls that are not half their sizes but we were not intimidated at all, more excited actually." She paused to smile as she reminisced the memory, something she's cherished years ago before it yawed to a disaster.

She continued after swallowing, her throat is dry and parched. "Naturally, they didn't go for the only Muslim guy there and left him to me. It was awkward starting a conversation with someone so arrogant as Hakim but when he started talking, it started flowing. We exchanged phone numbers and after that, we were almost inseparable. I found out he goes to my school too but in his last year, studying business management. He was so clever and intelligent helping me with assignments, getting me lunch and taking me out to dinners when my pocket money is about to end which is every end of the month before Musa gets money and send it to me.

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