Twenty Five.

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The lady just yelled that her sister need to be released from jail but it looks like they should exchange them. The sister should come out and this one should be locked inside with small amount of water. So much energy, she should turn it down a notch. A woman without modesty is the last person he wants to see before the day ends. Why would there be so much hazards and peril in one day?

Her yells made his ears bleed and the sound of her palm hitting the wooden table in front of Constable Ashiru -who is scowling at her while blinking at the same time in case she hits him, he is about to knock some sense into her which is something Ahmad cannot have. No matter what she does, she does not deserve to be hit and he shouldn't think about hitting a woman too. And sometimes, their patience is tasted by people like this lady here in front of him- irritates his sight.

She has golden bangles hitting on one another, the sound further causing commotion. Ahmad had to interfere or so many things would go wrong, he will have to be a witness.

"What's going on?" He implored, swiftly dragging the attention away from Constable Ashiru and to him. The other officers were just standing there watching agape, always loving unnecessary drama.

The lady briskly turned around, the pound bangs her hands are making seized to go on and he suspire inwardly, a relief. Why would she be banging hands like a man? Doesn't it pain her? They usually have fragile hands that shouldn't be ladened with men's work, that is why men exist, to assist.

She stopped for a minute to appreciate his looks like every other person he's met but there isn't a flicker of admiration, she just stared because she cannot help doing so and wants to go and tel someone about it. She doesn't want to miss any detail while narrating the story, he gets that part but it didn't stop that weird feeling that always crept up his spine whenever it happens. What do people say about him? What do they that they cannot wait to narrate so desperately? One things is for sure though, they don't know who he is.

Her pulsed red painted lips seized to the side, her eyes fiery but darker than Fatima's light shade of brown that blazed an inferno when she's furious. "

"I want my sister released from this jail. And that too as soon as possible!" She is still shouting, his ears are bleeding for no apparent reason.

Not wanting to deal with any other peril for the day, he yawed his attention to Constable Ashiru. The man is still fuming from what she's done in front of him while regretting not taking an action. Ahmad himself don't understand why the people in this country don't respect and value police officers, not like Texas. A woman walking up and yelling in a police station? They wouldn't dare do that there or they'd face the consequences they'd rather not talk about.

"Lock her up and bring the other sister to my office." Ahmad stayed long enough to see the look of triumph on Constable Ashiru and the one of pure shock slash galvanization on the other lady's.

Constable Ashiru ushered Margaret to come accompany the woman to her new room for the next few hours. Ahmad only did that because he wants to solve the case with the other sister while this one won't permit him to do his work peacefully. All in good fate though, he gets to punish her the way he wants and watch her from outside with mockery.

She didn't go willingly though, she kept yelling threats to the whole officers inside the station but not a word on ACP Al-hafiz. Another aficionado? Whatever it is she might be dealing with in her head should better be quaffed down her blackened throat. Whoever she is, it looks like she came from an affluent family that makes her feel she can turn Nigeria into a playground. The car she rode too said as much, 2020 Toyota Venza.

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