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Fatima burped very loud, earning a chiding look of disapproval from Ahmad whom she shrugged her narrow shoulders to. The man should be grateful his food is amazing and she is full, he would've gotten a few choices of words to mull over while sleeping. Her stomach is filled to the brim but if she gets dessert right now, she won't stop until she is vomiting out all she's eaten. Her weakest spot is good, whenever something edible is related, Fatima Musa Babagana is ahead and at the front.

She sat up straighter when she felt something rolling from her private part, it's something she is very much used to for years. Her period has arrived but it's never come with such ease and painless which showed on her face, it contorted into a look of surprise. How can something like that be possible? She's batting with endometriosis since she is sixteen and the pain keeps increasing with each cycle but this time around, there is nothing but a little discomfort below her waist, other than that, nothing else like the excruciating pain she's endured. Is this for real? Does having sex help with such pains or is it just miracle?

"What's wrong?" At Ahmad's question, Fatima bolted from her sitting position and rushed upstairs in a record time. Ahmad had to run to follow her thinking something awful has happened or is about to happen, she runs extremely fast for a lady her height.

Upon arriving at her room, she rushed to the bathroom and locked herself only to groan in annoyance when she found out there isn't any sanitary pad in the bathroom but the walk in closet and she's removed every single bit of article closing her. What is she to do now? Walk out of the bathroom naked and search for it in the walk in closet and risk the blood dropping on rouge carpet in her room? Who would clean it if that happens, Ahmad clearly won't do it neither would she allow him to do so. It'd be so embarrassing permitting him or his guards to do such a work and she cannot do it.

She jumped a bit when she heard a knock on the bathroom door, she sighed in relief. Ahmad is there in the room with her and she can ask him to get it for her to avoid further problems. "Are you okay in there?"

She opened the door a bit, poked her head outside to locate where he is. He is standing close to the door, his expression pinched with worry that surprised her. "I'm fine but not too fine. Can you get me a sanitary pad and underwear in the walk-in closet? I'm kind of naked here."

Ahmad furrowed his brows then it clicked to him what she's just requested. He is not the type of man or guy that shy away from a lady's need because it's personal, he was fully engaged in this with his past wife. Why shouldn't they help their wives because they find blood and menstruation dirty? He'd like to be there in every step of the way for them and if possible, help with that massage they've always requested and fulfill all their craving, he doesn't mind. Oh, if the world knew how much she's doted over his ex-wife.

"Where exactly is it located?" He asked, moving back so the door can shield her some more. He cannot afford to see something he cannot unsee, he's seen enough to have sleepless night already. The last thing he wants now is distraction and Fatima is every bit that.

She pushed the door a bit more open and started giving out directions. "If you enter the closet, by your right, you will see a huge suitcase that was packed, inside you will find boxes of the pads. Bring them out and search some more into the suitcase for my underwear. Off you go."

Ahmad's mouth dropped at the last sentence, this girl will make the person with the softest heart rebel. Just when he is about to be sympathetic, she had to threw in her own ungrateful words and tick him off. He didn't wait for more command, he made his way to her closet where the smell of vanilla and lavender hit his nostril. It's so pleasant and enough to get his blood moving to unnecessary places, he just remembered the same smell on her when they were together that night.

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