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Shortest chapter ever! The chapter just disappeared and I had to type fast again to update for you lots... each paragraph!


Frustrated at forgetting the date and what is about to go down, Fatima didn't bother calling Asabe for the morning. She wants to make it to the kitchen, somewhere in the house she hasn't been in for more years than she could count. There was never any need for that but she realised that acting handicapped won't help anyone. She wants to try her tea herself that morning to stop the growing trouble.

She stood from her tulip chair and stretched, her watermelon shirt raising up high and showed her belly button. She sighed, her lower abdomen is trying to harry her morning and thank God for the weekend or she wouldn't know what she would've done. Not that her attendance in class matters but the record has it that she's never made it a day without going to school and she is not about to break it.

Making her way to the kitchen with great difficulty, she stopped to look around the place like a foreign country meant for aliens. Silver is everywhere that it is starting to make her eyes bleed for no reason. Why are they trying to force silver in the place? She doesn't like it!

Tile and patterned linoleum flooring. The dishwasher there looks like something branded and released a week ago. It's so like her father to want what is the best and he might've even have someone bring it down before the launching of it. She won't be surprised, everything he does screams how wealthy he is.

The refrigerator there also looks sumptuous, Northland Master Series. There are many silver hangers clawing on equally silverware ranging from different stainless pots to pans. A coffee maker is right beside the refrigerator with boiling new pot inside, she is not into coffee currently so she dismissed the thought and looked down into the fridge to see so much colors of food choking up the whole space.

Cheese and sausage roll, potato salad, chilly potato cakes, chicken satay kebabs, Cornish pasties, Mediterranean salad and many other variety of food. Fatima stared, she is hungry but that is not what she is there for and she better get that far more important thing before things turn on her. She looked at the right hand of the fridge where there are so much greenery and she knew she would find what she is looking for in that part of the fridge. Her eyes searched for mint leaves, grass leaves, cardamom balls.

Taking a pot from the ones hanged there, she made her way to the gas and turn it on. It was actually a huge luck that she managed to turn it on, she doesn't know how to do that to save her life but it worked miraculously. Her smile vanished when she remembered that there are more to do than just turning on the effing gas. She hunted for the kettle of pure boiling water and added into the pot, browsed for box of cloves she's seen Asabe using once upon a time, she found it on the edge of a counter. Get the gunpowder and green tea from one of the cabinets, it was also a wild guess.

After adding up everything inside the pot, she closed it and sat down on the countertop, her eyes fixated on the gas but her mind is so far away. She doesn't know how much time had passed but when she jumped off her reverie, the water remained small inside the pot, she added a little and watch as convection current takes place. The lower particles that are hotter from the surface merging to bring down the upper particles and together they continue boil in racing speed. She smiled, they have no worries whatsoever.

When it's done, she turn off the gas and started haunting for a mug. A sound from the door stopped her from her mission and she meandered to see who dared interrupt her. A lady stood by the door in maids outfit, her eyes wide, about to fall off their sockets as she stared at her as if she is not supposed to be there. Fatima look right back at her coolly, her depleted eyes gave nothing away but the girl didn't have it in her to look away. Maybe she is amongst those that never encountered her in the mansion but heard her name in each crevice of it.

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